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时间:2020-09-17 17:12来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Fresh kindergarten teachers are an important part of reserve force in the faculty. Most teachers bear great passion and big expectation when they first come into this new working environment. Nevertheless, as is often the case, they are frustrated by lots of difficult problems due to their lack of practical experience and essential understanding of preschool education, including low professional self-identity, inadequateness of professional qualities, tension and puzzlement from disharmonious relations and loss of core competence. If not solved in time, these problems will definitely hinder fresh teachers’ development during the crucial period after their new entry. Besides, their later professional development will also be inevitably influenced in a negative way. Therefore, this thesis is going to analyze the problems above mentioned in detail, and then attempts to give corresponding resolutions from the view of the teacher, the kindergarten and the institutions of higher education. This thesis aims at helping new teachers to adapt to their work as soon as possible so as to make contributions to their self-development. 

Key words: new teachers of the kindergarten, the problem of induction, countermeasure


1  前言·3

2  幼儿园新教师入职的阶段存在的问题3

2.1  职业认同感偏低··3

2.2  实践经验不足,缺乏自信4

2.3  人际交往存在困难4

2.4  理想与现实的落差,感到迷茫 ·4

2.5  忽视了核心竞争力的持续培养 ·5

3  存在以上问题的原因··5

3.1  幼儿教师的社会地位不高5

3.2  高校教育与幼儿园需求之间的脱节·6

3.3  个体因素 ·6

3.4  环境因素 ·7

4  幼儿园新教师入职的对策·7

4.1  自我提高··7

4.2  幼儿园支持8

4.3  高校改善教育方案9

4.4  有效途径·10

结论  ·11

参考文献  12

1 前言

    初入职幼儿教师一般是指入职三年内,经验和能力都比较欠缺的老师,也可以说是幼儿园新教师。新教师一方面着急想要成功,另一方面又要面对全新的、复杂的工作环境,而由于自身能力的欠缺,新教师在工作中难免产生疑问和困惑,因此,如何把握好入职这一阶段显得尤为重要。在教师专业发展的理论研究中,这一阶段又被称为“关键期”,通常一个人第一年教学的情况如何,对他所能达到的教学效能水平会产生持续数年的影响,会对教师用以调节教学行为的专业态度产生重大影响[ ]。而实践表明,这一阶段的幼儿教师往往内心比较焦虑和恐惧,在精神上和技能上都需要帮助和指导,如果长期不能得到好的指导,新教师很可能会选择辞职转行,长此以往,必将影响幼儿教师师资力量的稳定性,进而影响幼儿园整体教育水平的提升,对作为未来希望的下一代的发展也是极其不利的。为此,本研究将对幼儿园新教师入职常见的几大问题进行分析并提供相应的解决策略,旨在帮助这些新教师尽快克服困难,融入团体,实现从学生到教师身份的转变,在入职的阶段能够更好地发展自己。 幼儿园新教师入职的问题及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_60714.html
