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时间:2017-06-23 09:59来源:毕业论文

The Exploration about Primary School Poetic Language Classroom Teaching
Abstract: Recent years, in the background of new education reform, poetic language is a view about Chinese teaching that  many education theorists and first-line teachers put forward in the primary language world. Poetic language focus on students' spiritual world , guide the student to feel the poetic, and stimulate students' emotion to appreciate the goodness of life and has the humanistic care. Poetic language is the way to solve the shortage of traditional language classroom which lack of humanistic. In this article , through the literature research method and observation method,we try to know the poetic language connotation and necessity ,the current situation of the primary school language classroom that lock poetic under the guidance of poetic language thought. Based on the current situation,we try to explore the way that language teacher how to create a poetic class through the teaching language, teaching content, teaching process three aspects .
Keywords: poetic language; classroom teaching; language teaching way
目 录
摘要:    1
Abstract    1
一、诗意语文的内涵与特征    2
二、小学语文课堂缺失诗意的表现    3
(一)教学语言缺乏美感,不能带给学生诗意的享受    4
(二)教师对文章的解读缺乏诗意与独立见解    4
(三)课堂缺少平等的对话,教师很少关注学生的精神诉求    5
三、小学诗意语文的必要性    5
(一)语文需要诗意    5
(二)儿童的天性是诗意的    5
(三)诗意语文是对中国诗教传统的探寻与回归    6
四、小学教师营造诗意语文课堂的策略    6
(一)锤炼诗意的教学语言    6
(二)挖掘诗意的教学内容    7
(三)构建诗意的教学过程    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
小学诗意语文课堂教学探析社会的发展要求以人为本,在教育上的表现便是把学生当做真正的人,即有情感,有思文,有追求的人。第八次课程改革要求关注学生的情感世界,审美价值观,培养学生的思文,灵性。虽然随着新课改的推进,以教师教授为主的教学模式正在发生改变,师生关系更加互动与平等,但是传统课堂的弊端,例如语文课堂过于理性化,缺乏人文性的弊端仍然存在。语文本是感性的,充满诗性的光彩,但是我们的语文课堂却是理性泛滥,课堂按照程序化的模式进行:“含义解释、情节分析、要点归纳、主题概括、文法疏通、语料记忆、反复练习。”[1]课堂充斥着说教,语文学习只是知识的机械操练,学生如何对学习语文产生兴趣。因为教师是课堂的主导者,诗意语文需要教师去营造。因此本文从教师的角度,从诗意语文的内涵与特征、小学语文课堂缺失诗意的表现、小学诗意语文的必要性、小学教师营造诗意语文课堂的策略四个方面来探讨小学诗意语文教学。 小学诗意语文课堂教学探析:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_9767.html