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时间:2021-01-16 20:43来源:毕业论文

摘要      集装箱船是用来运输集装箱的船舶。集装箱运输出现以前,货物的运输主要使用散货船,货物的装卸十分麻烦,而集装箱运输船舶的出现,开始了水路运输的一个新时代。集装箱运输明显的提高了物流速度,并且明显的提高了运输的安全性。本文是针对 530TEU 沿海双燃料动力集装箱船的总体设计与研究。为了满足运输行业低碳、绿色的发展要求,柴油、LNG 双燃料动力系统在船舶行业也逐步得到发展和认可。本次毕业设计主要是应用 Maxsurf 软件来完成的,Maxsurf 软件是由澳大利亚Formation Design Systems 公司开发的一套非常完整的计算机辅助船舶设计和建造软件,能够便捷的与AutoCAD 等软件进行数据的交换,Maxsurf的 Hydromax 模块能够便捷的计算出模型船舶的稳性、静水力等情况。本次毕业设计主要参考了母型船的各项资料和数据,同时参考了《船舶设计原理》、《船舶原理(上)(下)》、《船舶设计实用手册》等书籍,结合相关软件工具从而完成了此毕业设计。此次毕业设计分为五个阶段,分别包括查阅资料、调研,确定船体主要要素,绘制总布置图、型线图,计算船舶静水力、吨位与干舷计算,螺旋桨设计、绘制。  62274
Abstract      Container ships are used to transport the containers. Prior container transport, transport of goods can only use bulk carrier, cargo loading and unloading is very troublesome. And the emergence of container transport ships, start the water transportation of a new era. Container transport significantly improves the speed of logistics, and significantly improved the security of the transportation. This article is aimed at coastal dual fuel power 530 TEU container ship's overall design and research. In order to meet the development requirements of the transportation industry, low carbon, green, so the diesel fuel, LNG dual fuel power system in ship industry also gradually development and recognition. This graduation design is primarily Maxsurf application software to complete, Maxsurf software is developed by Australia company a very complete computer aided ship design and building of the software, Can be convenient and AutoCAD software for data exchange, Maxsurf’s Hydromax module can be convenient to calculate the model of the ship stability, hydrostatic, and so on and so forth. This graduation design mainly refer to the mother ship of all information and data, At the same time reference for ship design principle, the principle of ship, the ship design practical handbook, etc. The graduation design is pided into five stages, including check data and research, determining  the main factors, drawing the general layout and drawing lines, Ship hydrostatic, the propeller design.   
Keywords:Container ship; The overall design; Dual fuel power; Maxsurf.


第一章   绪论 1 

1.1 研究意义  .  1 

1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的相关问题  ..  2 

1.3 Maxsurf软件简介  ..  3 

1.4 总体设计的一般方法与相关过程    4 

第二章   设计船主尺度的选择.. 5 

2.1 设计船要求和相关母型船资料  .  5 

2.1.1  设计任务书相关要求   5 

2.1.2  母型船资料 .  5 

2.2 主尺度考虑的因素    6 

2.3 初选主尺度    6 

2.4 载重量估算    7 

2.4.1  人员行李、食品淡水的重量估算 .  7 

2.4.2  燃油、滑油以及 LNG 储罐的重量  ..  7 

2.4.3  货物重量的估算 ..  7  Maxsurf530箱沿海双燃料动力集装箱船总体设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_68441.html
