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时间:2021-08-10 20:56来源:毕业论文






The processing technology and clamping device design of the steering knuckle

Abstracts:The steering knuckle is an important automobile part of the steering axle, as it enables the automobile to steadily steer and agilely transfer steering directions. The function of the steering knuckle is transferring and supporting the front-end load as well as supporting and driving the wheels to move around the master pin and thus making the automobile veer. When the automobile is running, the steering knuckle carries fickle impact loads. Therefore, a high intensity is required.

In this paper, the main research object is the processing technique designed in accordance with the technological requirements of the surface and end-face of the steering knuckle, the master pin and the key groove. The processing is separated into two phases: workblank processing and automobile parts processing. The workblank is processed by die forging and mass manufactured by cold forging. Thus, the final workblank has high-precision size, good surface roughness and sound labor conditions.

The processing of the automobile parts in this design includes rough machining, semi-finishing and finishing. Highly-productive special equipment and technological equipment can be used in production as all working procedures are relatively concentrated, which can enormously increase productivity and relatively decrease the working procedures. Therefore, it can not only save time but also guarantee the relative position precision of the surface of automobile parts as the number of surfaces in need of installation and processing has increased.

The final part of this design is two working procedures’ design of the clamp -- clamps of two master pinholes and the clamp of the steering axle. The design was made by virtue of available knowledge and CAD software. To ensure the precision of the clamps, the specially-made clamps produced by modern factories in knuckles processing was taken as a reference in combination of the basic principles of workpiec localization from the textbook in this design.

Keyword: steering knuckle;processing  ;clamp 


一、绪论 2

1.课题背景及意义 2

2.课题关键问题及难点[2] 汽车发动机转向节零件加工工艺设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79990.html
