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时间:2020-07-24 17:21来源:毕业论文



Discussion on the application of modern risk oriented model in China's accounting firms

ABSTRACT:Since 1990s, the international large accounting firms in order to improve the audit efficiency and audit results, research and development of modern risk oriented audit model. Modern risk oriented audit approach to risk assessment as the core, layers of depth, interlocking, to risk as the center, greatly enhance the risk assessment procedures enough to find out the risk of material misstatement of accounting statements, maximum possible reduce audit risk, the rational use of audit resources, effective cost savings. But because the comprehensive quality of CPA is not up to the requirements of modern risk oriented audit pattern, the domestic accounting firms understanding of modern risk oriented auditing mode is not in place, the domestic laws and regulations lag problems caused by modern risk oriented audit pattern is confined to the application in a small part of the accounting firm, not on the popularity of domestic accounting firms. This paper analyzes the application status of the new model, and analyzes its causes, and finally puts forward the countermeasures to the modern risk oriented audit model in our country through the improvement of the popularization. This paper is pided into four parts, structure and contents are as follows: the first part abstract; the second part, introduction, mainly introduces the research background and research content; the third part, introduces the connotation of modern risk oriented mode, theoretical basis, and compared with modern and traditional risk oriented audit; the fourth part. Analysis modern risk oriented mode in the present situation of the application of the accounting firms in our country and analyzes its reason; the fifth part, according to the reason analysis countermeasure is put forward.

Key Words: Modern risk oriented audit model; economic environment; risk assessment

目    录




一、引言 -1









(二)现代风险导向审计在我国运用现状分析-5 现代风险导向模式在我国会计师事务所的运用:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_56871.html
