The Health Club Aerobics Instructor Survey and Research in Zhoukou Chuanhui District
Abstract: The integrated use of literature, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and other methods of Zhoukou city Chuanhui district health club aerobics instructor, the basic structure of performing their duties, occupation development facing the main problems and contradictions of the detailed investigation and research. The analysis of passing the survey discovers that the City Chuan in week remits an aerobics instruction member in area health club: Is whole younger, the male is much partial to; Mainly take having a part-time job as lord; The educational background natural intelligence isn't high; The wages treatment is widespreadly lower to wait. Aim at help the City Chuan in week to remit strengthening of the area aerobics instruction member troops and constuct to provide a theory reference, and put forward homologous improvement counterplan and suggestion.
Keywords: Chuanhui District; Fitness Club; Aerobics Instructor; Present Situation; Research
目 录
摘要: 1
引言 2
1.研究对象与方法 2
1.1研究对象 2
1.2研究方法 2
2.结果与分析 3
2.1周口市川汇区健美操指导员的基本结构现状分析 3
2.2周口市川汇区健美操指导员履行本职工作的情况分析 6
2.3周口市川汇区健美操指导员面临的主要问题 7
3.结论与建议 8
3.1结论 8
3.2建议 9
参考文献 10
附录: 12
致谢 15
健美操一词来源于英文原名(Aerobics),意为有氧运动。最早由美国人Kenneth cooper 于20世纪60年代开始推广,并于20世纪80年代初传入中国。健美操以人体为对象,以健美为目的,以身体练习为主要内容,以创造为手段,融体操、音乐、舞蹈、技巧、跳跃、美学为一体的艺术性很强的活动运动项目。因此受到越来越多的人的喜爱,已成为全民健身运动的一个重要组成部分。健美操指导员是从事健身健美指导、知识技能传授等活动的健身指导专员,是健美操运动的推广者和传播者,是我国大众健身健美的骨干力量的重要组成部分。健美指导员的综合水平如何,直接关系到大众健身的质量效果。因此通过对周口市川汇区健美操指导员的现状进行调查与研究,找出其中的不足,以便更好地服务于大众健身健美事业之中。
1.2研究方法 健身俱乐部健美操指导员现状调查与研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_40410.html