Abstract In this paper, through the research of juvenile swimming on cardiopulmonary function improvement, through the questionnaire and the better analysis of the specific situation of juvenile swimming cardiopulmonary function, that offers swimming lessons helps to improve adolescent physical and mental health, promote the school sports work, in accordance with statutory requirements, but the current swimming carry out there is still a need to ask him to swim; professional teachers in number, are willing to accept the training and education; physical education teachers and school leaders to support open swimming lessons; site equipment, do not have the advantage, to meet the basic material conditions of open swimming lessons. To provide a theoretical basis for a better future youth participate in swimming.
Keywords:Swimming; adolescent; cardiopulmonary function; current situation and Countermeasures
摘 要 2
1. 研究的问题提出 4
1.1. 选题背景意义 4
1.1.1. 选题背景 4
1.1.2. 选题意义 4
1.2. 职业认同相关概念与理论 4
2. 研究对象与方法 4
2.1. 研究对象 4
2.2. 研究方法 5
2.2.1. 文献资料法与问卷调查法 5
2.3. 统计工具 5
3. 研究结果 5
3.1.青少年体质情况分析 5
3.2 游泳在青少年中开展现状分析 5
3.3游泳的益处分析分析 9
3.4游泳对青少年心肺功能改善分析 9
4. 结论与建议 10
4.1. 结论 10
4.2. 建议 10
参考文献 10
附录 11
致谢 13
1. 研究的问题提出
游泳项目目前深受青少年和中老年人的喜爱,游泳运动能够不同程度上改善人的心肺功能,对人的呼吸系统,循环系统都有良好作用。游泳项目还能改善青少年的体质状况,其内外双修的运动特点和锻炼价值经过反复证明,被人们所认可。我国体育和教育部门也越来越重视游泳这一运动项目,将其正式列入“奥运争光计划”。并且2010年中国体育协会颁布实施《关于全国中青少年游泳推广普及游泳校本课程的实施方案》,进一步促游泳进入中小学游泳堂,丰富青少年的课程学习,增强体质,全面发展。 论游泳对青少年心肺功能改善之研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_50075.html