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时间:2020-04-18 14:49来源:毕业论文


    Abstract:Community sports is an important development in the direction of our country into the 21st century sports career, but compared to Western countries, our community fitness facilities and research started late, slow development, relatively backward, while urban residents to use the closest interaction the most effective fitness community sports facilities is a fitness facility. Progress is inseparable from the urban community sports development of urban civilization, and the development of urban community sport must be in a strong fitness venues and facilities construction as a precondition, with the growing scale of the expansion of China's urban residents and physical fitness requirements, physical fitness venues and facilities for its unique value has been widely welcomed by community residents, showing a rapid development trend unstoppable. Through community fitness venues and facilities Yantai actual survey to identify the main factors affecting the Hangzhou community fitness venues and facilities, venues and facilities proposed to improve community fitness methods and approaches. Provide an objective basis for the government and sports authorities to develop community sports development.     


     Keywords:The Lake District, Community,Fitness venues and facilities 

目 录

摘   要 II

1前言 1

1.1课题的目的和意义 1

1.1.1课题的目的 1

1.1.2课题的意义 1

1.1文献综述 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

2研究对象与研究方法 2

2.1 研究对象 2

2.2  研究方法 2

2.2.1 文献资料法 2

2.2.2 实地调查法 2

2.2.3 问卷调查法 2

2.2.4统计分析法 2

3 结果与分析 2

3.1 体育场地设施情况 2

3.2体育健身场地设施经费情况 4

3.3杭州市千岛湖社区体育健身场地设施中存在的主要问题 4

3.3.1投入资金比例失调 4

3.3.2体育场地狭小,环境质量较差,设施陈旧、设备不配套,使用率低 5

3.3.3体育行政部门对社区体育中的社区体育健身场地设施的建设与管理不够重视和规范 浙江省千岛湖社区体育健身场地设施现状调查及研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_50097.html
