Abstract: In this paper, literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and verbal access methods such as urban residents in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, to participate in physical activity of people surveyed, gender, age, income, occupation, education level, participate exercise motivation, exercise and other aspects of venues and training methods to analyze, to understand the purpose of participating in physical exercise Huai'an basic situation of the urban population and some problems and provide theoretical reference for extensive Huai'an mass sports, and propose a reasonable comments and suggestions to improve the health of urban residents' awareness of Huai'an City, with the "National Fitness Program Outline," the smooth implementation. The results showed that: Huai'an City to participate in physical exercise crowd of the importance of participating in physical exercise lack of awareness; participate in physical exercise presents the aging population trend; lack of physical exercise venues and facilities, lack of physical exercise and specialized organizations of social sports instructors become an important factor in Huai'an City residents to participate in physical exercise.
Keywords: Huai'an,Physical exercise,Survey,Urban population
目 录
1 前言 3
2 研究对象和方法4
2.3 研究内容4
3 研究结果与分析 5
3.1 被调查者对《全民健身条例》认知情况的现状与分析5
3.2被调查者性别比例的现状与分析 5
3.3被调查者年龄分布的现状与分析 6
3.6影响被调查者参加体育锻炼的因素的现状与分析 8
4 结论 11
5 建议12
致谢 14
附录151 前言
为了促进全民健身活动的开展,保障公民在全民健身活动中的合法权益,提高公民身体素质,《全民健身条例》已经于2009年8月19日国务院第77次常务会议通过,自2009年10月1日起施行,并将每年8月8日定为全民健身日,这从法律制度上入手,进一步推动全民健身工作[1]。 相对应的《全民健身计划(2011—2015年)》国务院印发4年来,群众体育事业如火如荼的开展,国内很多城市都有关于群众参加体育锻炼的调查,而在淮安市却不多见,所以笔者对淮安市区内几个市民参加体育锻炼比较集中的场所进行了问卷调查,用以了解淮安市区居民对《全民健身条例》的认知程度和参加体育锻炼的基本情况,希望通过调查分析,尽可能的为淮安当地居民参加体育锻炼活动提供可行的意见和建议,配合《全民健身条例》以及相对应的《全民健身计划(2011—2015年)》顺利实施。 淮安市区居民参加体育锻炼的现状调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_62571.html