摘 要:本文用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对连云港市区中老年锻炼人群的基本特征、锻炼时间、空间、目的、项目等方面进行了研究。其研究结果显示,中老年锻炼人群中男性多于女性,锻炼的人群主要是退休工人、教师等,他们选择锻炼的时间主要集中在晚上6:00-8:00,主要以散步、广场舞、民族传统武术为主进行锻炼。同时还存在以下几个问题:工作繁忙家务繁多、意识不强、缺乏锻炼知识或专业的指导人员、场地器材匮乏等。本文针对这些问题,提出一些对策,即社区活动中心定期开展特色体育活动,开放社区范围内的学校、企业单位的公共体育场地设施,实行政府补贴等一系列途径解决锻炼场所缺失的问题,以便更好的帮助中老年锻炼人群参与体育锻炼增强体质。57763
毕业论文关键词: 连云港市区;中老年锻炼;人群特征;影响因素
Abstract: In this paper, using literature data method, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and other research methods, the basic features of lianyungang urban elderly people exercise, exercise time, space, purpose, project and so on were studied. The results show that older men more than women, exercise the crowd people exercise mainly retired workers, teachers, etc., are mainly concentrated in the evening they choose to exercise time 6: 00-8:00, mainly for a walk, a square dance, traditional wushu exercise. There are also some problems: the job is busy housework is various, consciousness is not strong, lack of exercise knowledge or professional guidance personnel, the lack of space equipment, etc. To solve these problems, this paper puts forward some countermeasures, namely the community center on a regular basis to carry out the characteristics of sports activities, open community within the scope of public sports facilities, schools, enterprises implement government subsidies, and a series of way to solve the problem of lack of exercise place, in order to better exercise to help elderly people to participate in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness.
Keywords: lianyungang city;the middle and old exercise;population characteristics;influencing factors
目 录
1 前言4
2 研究对象与方法 4
2.1研究对象 4
2.2研究方法 4
3 结果与分析 5
3.1连云港市区中老年锻炼人群的基本特征调查 5
3.2连云港市区中老年锻炼人群的锻炼目的与项目选择调查 6
3.4连云港市区中老年锻炼人群的锻炼空间的调查 8
4 结论与建议9
4.1 结论 9
4.2 建议 9
1 前言
本文通过对连云港市区中老年锻炼人群特征的调查研究,了解中老年锻炼人群的情况,针对存在的问题提出合理的解决办法,为相关部门提供可供参考的意见,使中老年人群得到更好的锻炼。因此,我们选择加强和改善中老年人的体育锻炼,让他们保持着健康的身体状况,共同创造健康和谐的社会。加强和改善中老年人的体育锻炼,不仅有利于提高他们的身体素质,还可以让他们保持着良好的心理状态。体育活动多种多样,其中团队体育活动既可以强身健体,还可以拉近小区中左邻右舍的距离,让中老年人告别城市中的孤独与寂寥。加强体育知识的传播,特色体育活动的开展,全面提高中老年人群的身心健康,使中老年人群的健康状况与健康老龄化的差距缩小,是我们此次调查与研究的宗旨! 连云港市区中老年锻炼人群特征及影响因素研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_62602.html