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时间:2020-12-11 19:57来源:毕业论文

摘 要:我国是人口大国,运动强国,全民健身意识早已深入人心。但是传统的体育运动项目已逐渐满足不了广大健身爱好者的胃口,新形式的健身项目应运而生,暴走运动不失为其中的翘楚。作为群众体育的新兴项目,暴走运动在徐州的发展还处于初级阶段,通过对暴走运动的研究可以为群众体育寻求一个较高的发展平台,促进我国大众体育事业的蓬勃发展。 60698


毕业论文关键词:徐州市 暴走  群体  健身  发展

Abstart: Our country is populous, sports power, the national fitness consciousness already thorough popular feeling. But the traditional sports has gradually cannot satisfy the masses of fitness enthusiasts, new forms of fitness project arises at the historic moment, outbreak movement can yet be regarded as one of the best. As emerging project of mass sports, xuzhou outbreak movement is still in the primary stage of development, based on the research of the outbreak movement can seek a projects for mass sports development platform, promote the vigorous development of mass sports enterprise in our country.

  Over the course of the study in this paper using the method of literature, questionnaire, on-the-spot investigation method, mathematical statistics and logic analysis and other research methods, through to xuzhou yunlong park ring this outbreak of the first visit of the most representative area investigation and questionnaire survey, to find out since the outbreak movement in the region to carry out the problems, and puts forward some corresponding perfecting suggestion, better guidance for the future of xuzhou outbreak movement provided the scientific basis, so as to promote sustained and healthy development of the national fitness movement of xuzhou region.

Keywords: xuzhou  outbreak  group  fitness  development


前言 6

1. 研究对象及方法 7

1.1 研究对象 7

1.2 研究方法 7

2. 研究结果 8

2.1 徐州市环云龙湖暴走运动发展状况 8

2.2 徐州市环云龙湖暴走运动团队成员发展状况 9

2.3 徐州市环云龙湖暴走团队成员的特征情况 9

3. 结果分析 12

3.1 暴走运动在徐州市云龙湖畔得以迅速发展的条件 12

3.2 徐州市环云龙湖暴走运动的发展现状 13

3.3 影响徐州市环云龙湖暴走运动进一步开展的问题 14

4. 结论和建议 14

4.1 结论 14

4.2 建议 15

参考文献 16

附录 17


暴走源于美国,风靡欧美,在日韩,中国香港等地也刮起时尚旋风。虽然暴走运动在中国兴起不久,但来势汹涌。日趋流行的暴走健身运动,成了时尚,减压,释放自由的代名词。参加暴走运动的人群日益壮大,但是目的却不尽相同。有的为了强身健体,有的为了舒缓压力,有的为了亲近自然,有的为了交友娱乐……暴走运动体现了现代都市人对绿水青山、蓝天白云的向往,冲破城市钢筋水泥森林束缚的渴望,这不仅仅是一种健身行为,更是一种人性回归自然的体现。 徐州市环云龙湖暴走健身现象的调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_66233.html
