摘 要:本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,以体育学院为研究对象,从淮安各大健身房私教行业的基本情况、私人教练的平均收入、健身房会员购买私教情况以及体育学院专业师资力量、专业设施和课程设置的调查进行分析。研究结果发现,淮安市各大健身房对私人教练的需求越来越大;私人教练的平均收入高于淮安市人均收入水平;体育学院开设私教课程相关的师资配备及场馆设施略有不足。并且提出了一方面可以通过改善和提高自身条件,另一方面也可以采取校企合作的方式,为体育学院开设私教课程提供理论依据。60733
Abstract:This article USES the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics research methods, such as in huaiyin teachers college sports college as the research object, from all the big gym teaching of industry average income of the basic situation, personal trainer, a gym membership to buy personal training and huaiyin teachers college sports institute of professional teachers, professional facilities and the investigation of the curriculum is analyzed. The results showed that the each big gym of growing demand for private coach; Personal trainer's average income is higher than on per capita income level; In huaiyin teachers college sports college courses in personal training related staffed and a slightly inadequate facilities. And put forward on the one hand can improve and enhance their own conditions, on the other hand can also take the way of cooperation between colleges and of huaiyin teachers college sports institute provides the theory basis for personal training courses.
Keywords: gym,personal training,curriculum,the status quo
1 前言2
2 研究对象和方法3
2.1 研究对象3
2.2 研究方法3
2.2.1 文献资料法3
2.2.2 调查问卷法3
2.2.3 访谈法4
2.2.4 数理统计法4
3 结果与分析4
3.1 淮安市五大健身房的市场调查4
3.1.1 淮安市五大健身房私教行业的需求状况4
3.1.2 淮安市五大健身房私人教练的平均收入情况4
3.1.3 淮安市五大健身房体育健身者对私教课程购买情况5
3.2 体育学院开设私教课程可行性分析5
3.2.1 体育学院课程设置情况5
3.2.2 体育学院私教课程所需师资配备情况5
3.2.3 体育学院私教课程所需场馆设施情况6
4 结论与建议7
4.1 结论7
4.1.1 淮安市健身行业私人教练需求量大7
4.1.2 体育学院可以开设私教课程7
4.2 建议7
4.2.1 开设私教专项选修课程7
4.2.2 引进人才和师资7
4.2.3 完善场馆设施8
1 前言
当今“健身私人教练”是一个新兴的职业,是伴随着我国社会与经济的发展和“个性化健身消费”的需求出现的,因此给健身市场带来了发展机遇。当健身企业投资在“硬件”设施达到一定程度时,为达到经营效率的最大化,能成为现代健身房的支柱便是健身私人教练,而能否拥有被消费者认可的一流健身私教,是决定现代商业健身房财富的关键因素。 对体育学院开设私教课程可行性分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_66273.html