    关键词  压电陶瓷  柔性臂  主动振动控制  有限元法  正位置反馈
    Title  Research on active vibration control of flexible beam with piezoelectric ceramics                                 
    In the field of aerospace technology, active vibration control of spatial flexible structure has become a hot topic and attracted widespread attention. Piezoelectric ceramic is particularly suitable for active vibration control of flexible structure because of its advantages such as light weight, wide frequency range, low power consumption, easy processing, as well as good linearity. Therefore, it has played an important role in the spatial flexible structure.
    In this thesis, the research object include a piezoelectric ceramic sensor, a piezoelectric ceramic actuator which is alternately affixed and attached on a flexible beam, and the active vibration control of flexible beam is studied. Based on the analysis of the hardware of the system, the finite element method is applied to establish the model of the system. After analyzing the characteristics of the system model, two kinds of active controller are designed by means of quadratic Guass optimal control and fuzzy adaptive PID control, and their control effects to suppressing vibration of flexible beam have been verified in Matlab environment. Simulation results show that the two control strategies on the vibration of the flexible beam has good control performance.
    Experimental control software for the flexible beam has been programmed via Visual Basic, which is not only powerful but also practical. With this control software, lots of experiments with the flexible beam were carried out to test and improve the effect of the vibration control. As for the positive position feedback controller designed for the flexible beam system, experimental results verify the effectiveness of the vibration control.
    Keywords  Piezoelectric ceramics  Flexible beam  Active vibration control  Finite element method  Positive position feedback
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  智能结构    1
    1.1.1  智能结构的特点    1
    1.1.2  智能结构的应用    2
    1.2  压电陶瓷传感器和致动器及其布置    2
    1.3  振动控制方法    4
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