    Metallic materials is an important engineering material, the research and development of materials were never stopped. In essence, the heat treatment of metallic material is phase change. Therefore, Phase Transitions of the metal material is very important. With the development of analytical methods, people have been focus more on materials’ phase change , such as differential thermal analysis, metallographic analysis, X-ray analysis and thermal expansion of the analysis method. Each method has its focus, but relatively speaking, all the methods upon require large equipment or complex operations. Metallic material such as steel or aluminum alloy exists some variation while the heat treatment process, a metallic material can be used to analyze the phase transition. Therefore, the density and the size of the mental can be used to analyze the phase change .
    This paper presents a simple measure of metallic materials in the volume change (phase transition) after heat treatment , namely the second weighing method. By analyzing the steel, aluminum materials’ density change which caused by the phase transition after heat treatment.The paper in order to verify the accuracy and simply of the second weighing methods.The simple and feasible method will have a great utility in the factory.
    Keywords: heat treatment; steel; aluminum alloy; the second weighing method; density change
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 铝合金的概述    1
    1.1.1 定义及分类    1
    1.1.2  Al-Cu 系列合金的热处理及其强化    1
    1.2 钢材料的概述    4
    1.2.1应用历史    4
    1.2.2 种类划分    4
    1.2.3 性能指标    5
    1.2.4 钢的热处理工艺    6
    1.2.5 钢热处理中的相变    9
    1.3 研究材料热处理相变分析方法    11
    1.3.1 差热分析法    11
    1.3.2 金相分析方法    12
    1.3.3 X射线衍射物相分析    12
    1.3.4 热膨胀分析法    12
    1.4 热处理时工件尺寸的变化    12
    1.4.1 铝合金热处理时的尺寸变化    13
    1.4.2 钢热处理时的尺寸变化    14
    1.5 本文目的及主要内容    15
    1.5.1 本文目的    15
    1.5.2 主要内容    16
    2.实验部分    17
    2.1实验原理    17
    2.1.1 铝合金在热处理后的体积变化    18
    2.1.2 钢在热处理中相变时的体积变化    19
    2.2 实验材料与过程    20
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