    关键词  UHPC  纤文增强  混杂  钢纤文  力学性能

    Title  Optimal Design and Performance Study of Multi-scale Fiber-reinforced Cement-based Composite Materials                                                       
    The experimental study was conducted to explore the field of multi-scale fiber-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC). Not only a variety of mixing designs were proposed, but also the corresponding samples were prepared along with the material test. Fibers included steel fiber,PVA fiber, SiC whisker and basalt fiber. The experimental result showed that with the addition of any fiber, the bending strength and compressive strength were increased, but differed in extent. Steel fiber, as the fundamental fiber, shared the same result, the more steel fiber mixed,the higher strength would get. The sample of a mixture of steel fiber and PVA fiber was at the top of all. This paper also studied  the influence of UHPC strength by changing different scale of steel fiber. As an extra research, new ways of preparation was studied------pouring method. The result of this method------6% steel fiber contained UHPC, viewed an drastic increase in bending strength------69% higher than 3% steel fiber contained UHPC.
    Keywords  UHPC   Fiber-reinforced    Hybrid   Steel fiber    Strength
    目  次
    1  引言(绪论)    1
    1.1  超高性能混凝土    1
    1.2  纤文增强水泥基复合材料    1
    1.3  混杂纤文增强水泥基复合材料    2
    1.4  多尺度混杂纤文增强水泥基复合材料    3
    1.5  钢纤文水泥基复合材料    3
    1.6  PVA 纤文水泥基复合材料    3
    1.7  玄武岩纤文增强水泥基复合材料    4
    2  实验    5
    2.1  原材料    5
    2.2  仪器与设备    5
    2.3  水泥基复合材料制备    6
    2.3.1  空白试样制备    6
    2.3.2  掺入钢纤文的水泥基复合材料制备    6
    2.3.3  掺入混杂有钢纤文、PVA纤文的水泥基复合材料制备    6
    2.3.4  掺入混杂有钢纤文、碳化硅晶须的水泥基复合材料制备    7
    2.3.5  掺入混杂有钢纤文、玄武岩纤文的水泥基复合材料制备    7
    2.3.5  掺入混杂有钢纤文、玄武岩纤文和PVA纤文的试样制备    7
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