    关键词  熔池图像; 纹理特征;阈值分割;灰度共生矩阵
    Title    Based on the texture characteristics of MAG welding  molten pool image classification                                                 
    This paper mainly studies based on texture feature of the welding pool image classification, through welding experiment, the different welding parameters to
    meet the need of change to get the molten pool images, mainly for six kinds of
    molten pool images based on texture feature of image classification, optimum process, left, right, welding leakage, porosity, inadequate protection of gas.
    Separately using gray level co-occurrence matrix feature extraction method, based
    on changing the parameter value of image gray level co-occurrence matrix eight
    value, entropy, energy, inverse matrix, contrast, correlation, since the relevant
    Statistical data, found that applying this algorithm classification result is more
    Ideal, can better distinguish between gas under the optimum technological conditions and protection when molten pool images, and welding to left, right,
    Welding leakage, the porosity of the molten pool images, the accuracy can reach
    85%. In advance of molten pool image threshold segmentation, contour extraction, then GLCM feature extraction, accuracy up to 88%. In  advance before the molten
    Pool image texture feature algorithm to extract the contour, can better classify
    Molten pool images.
    Keywords  Weld pool image; Texture  feature;Threshold segmentation; Gray symbiotic matrix.
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景及意义    1
    1.2 焊接过程熔池视觉传感技术研究现状    2
    1.3 熔池图像处理技术及特征提取研究现状    3
    1.4 基于视觉的焊接质量智能控制研究现状    3
    1.5 纹理特征提取研究现状    4
    1.6 本课题研究内容    6
    2 MAG焊熔池图像采集试验与图像处理分析    7
    2.1 MAG焊熔池图像采集试验    7
    2.1.1 试验设备与材料    7
    2.1.2 MAG焊焊前准备与工艺试验设计方案制定    8
    2.2 MAG焊熔池图像处理分析    10
    3 MAG焊熔池图像基于纹理特征进行分类研究    13
    3.1 基于灰度共生矩阵的熔池图像处理    13
    3.1.1 基于灰度共生矩阵的熔池图像处理算法原理    13
    3.1.2 熔池图像处理结果分析    13
    3.2 基于阈值分割的熔池图像处理    14
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