    Study on Different Processing Methods to the Copper Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Rods
    Abstract: This paper studies the effect of different process and a different way of copper alloy extruded rods organization and performance and studied the effect of different alloy composition on the copper alloy casting rods organization as well. Determine the best course of continuous casting rod temperature. Select the process have on the continuous casting, extrusion, drawing, rolling. After the observation and study of the results of metallurgical processing and grain size, obtained a series of high-speed railway contact wire mesh production optimum process parameters. The results showed that: (1) In the process of continuous casting rod temperature was controlled at 70 ℃ best. (2) different alloy addition, the role of physical chemistry, copper and its solubility were different, leading to its cast structure are not the same (3) Copper and magnesium alloy rod processing in the process of rolling and drawing can make its grain deformation, but squeeze more significant influence on the grain size. (4) No matter what kind of copper alloy rod extrusion process, the grain size of the alloy rod edge will always be smaller than the central grain size. The first one kind of extrusion process than the first two kinds of extrusion process to change the grain size of the copper-tin alloy rod is more significant. Third extrusion process changes the grain size of copper and silver alloy rod is more significant than the fourth, fifth extrusion process.
    Keywords: contact wire; copper magnesium alloy; extrusion; casting the lead; drawing; rolling
    1.前言    1
    1.1高速铁路用铜镁合金接触线简介    1
    1.2国内外高速铁路发展    2
    1.2.1世界高铁发展概况    2
    1.2.1中国高铁发展概况    3
    1.3接触网及接触导线的基本要求和主要技术指标    3
    1.3.1接触导线的基本要求    4
    1.3.2接触导线的主要技术指标    4
    1.4接触导线的不同加工工艺流程    5
    1.4.1接触线材的工艺路线概述    5
    1.4.2接触导线的上引连铸工艺    6
    1.4.3接触导线的挤压工艺    7
    1.4.4接触导线的轧制工艺    11
    1.4.5接触导线的拉拔工艺    12
    1.5选题的目的和意义    13
    1.6课题的研究内容和目标    13
    1.6.1研究内容    13
    1.6.2研究目标    13
    2.实验    14
    2.1 试验原材料    14
    2.2 试验仪器与设备    14
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