    毕业论文关键词: 渗碳;15CrMo;淬火
    Research on Microstructure of quenching of 15CrMo carburizing steel
    Abstract:This article describes the impact 15CrMo carburizing parts heating process parameters on the hardened structure. Studied the organizational changes and changes in the surface structure of the steel hardness carburizing and carburizing slow cold state sample after quenching, the transition of organizations and heart tissue. Quenching process parameters as: quenching temperature to 770 ℃, 800 ℃, 830 ℃ and 860 ℃, holding time set at 25min. The results showed that the original carburizing slow cooling of the sample surface for pearlite organization, transition pearlite and ferrite, closer to the more central portion of ferrite pearlite fewer; skin tissue after 770 ℃ and samples quenched at 800 ℃ high carbon martensite plus a small amount of residual austenite transition martensite plus ferrite plus a small amount of residual austenite and closer to the heart Ministry of ferrite content gradually increased, the center organized a low carbon martensite and ferrite plus a small amount of residual austenite; and the entire cross-section of martensite are 830 ℃ and 860 ℃ and quenching. Original carburizing slow cooling of the sample surface up to a hardness of 292Hv, case depth is 1.0mm, 770 ℃, 800 ℃, the surface 830 ℃ and 860 ℃ quenching, the maximum hardness are 803Hv, 863Hv, 846Hv and 891Hv, hardened layer depth, respectively 0.9mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm and 1.2mm.
    Key Words: Carburization; 15CrMo; Quench
    1绪论    1
    1.1 渗碳钢    1
    1.1.1 渗碳钢简介    1
    1.1.2 渗碳钢零件的一般工艺路线    1
    1.1.3 钢渗碳的目的、分类及应用    1
    1.1.4渗碳工艺发展趋势    3
    1.2 淬火工艺    3
    1.2.1 奥氏体组织    3
    1.2.2 马氏体组织    4
    1.3 国内外研究状况    4
    1.4 毕业论文的目的与意义    4
    2实验材料和方法    6
    2.1 渗碳钢的成分    6
    2.2 加热临界温度    6
    2.3渗碳样品及渗碳工艺    6
    2.4淬火工艺参数    7
    2.5 金相制样及硬度测定方法    7
    2.5.1 金相制样    7
    2.5.2 硬度测定    8
    2.5.3 硬化层深度的测定    11
    2.6 实验所用材料和设备    11
    3实验结果和分析    12
    3.1 原始渗碳缓冷样品的组织分析    12
    3.2 原始试样的硬度分析    15
    3.3 770℃淬火试样的组织分析    16
    3.4 800℃淬火试样的组织分析    19
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