    The temperature field simulation for the hot-rolling sheet steel in the process of tempering
    Abstract:In this paper, the temperature field of hot rolled plate during tempering process is simulated and calculated by Deform finite element software, and thus the distributions of transient temperature fields of six kinds of technology for heating processing, including the plate at quenching, 300℃ tempering, 350℃ tempering, 400℃ tempering, 450℃ tempering and 500℃ tempering and the curves of temperature drop along the width direction. The results show that: after quenching, it caused a great difference in temperature and the temperature gradient. But it improved the difference in temperature and the temperature gradient obviously after tempering. Tempering temperature on the temperature difference and the influence of the temperature gradient is small.  Caused by the temperature difference is bigger, the greater the temperature gradient, the greater the temperature stress .When tempering temperature was set to 300℃, 350℃, 400℃, 450℃, 500℃, respectively, the minimum martensite content was at 500℃, which also caused the minimum transformation stresses. Comprehensive considering transformation stresses and temperature stresses impact, when tempering temperature is at 500℃, the plate has the minimum residual stresses. So we can get that the best tempering solution is at 500℃ tempering. Finally, the simulated results are identical with the actual results by comparison, both are basically consistent.
    Keywords:Finite Element Method; Tempering; Temperature field; residual stress; numerical simulation

    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 热轧钢板简介    1
    1.1.1 热轧钢板的现状与发展    1
    1.1.2 低碳微合金钢板的组织特点    1
    1.2 热轧钢板的回火    2
    1.2.1 回火的主要目的    2
    1.2.2 回火工艺    2
    1.3 回火过程中的温度场    3
    1.3.1 温度场的概念    3
    1.3.2 回火过程温度场的数值模拟    3
    1.4 选题的目的和意义    4
    1.5 本课题的研究内容    5
    2.有限元数值模拟技术在热处理中的应用    6
    2.1 引言    6
    2.2 发展现状及应用    6
    2.3 热处理过程常用的数值模拟方法    7
    2.4 有限元法发展趋势    8
    2.5 有限元数值模拟技术在热处理中的应用    8
    3. DEFORM-3D有限元分析软件    9
    3.1引言    9
    3.2 DEFORM-3D平台简介    9
    3.3 DEFORM-3D的特点    10
    3.4 DEFORM-3D功能    10
    3.5 DEFORM-3D软件操作流程    11
    4.热轧钢板回火过程温度场的有限元模拟    14
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