    The influence of nucleation catalyst on the crystalline and mechanical property of PA66 whether adding the lubricant
    Abstract:PNA012 have been prepared to modify PA66. Four lubricating agents (ST、EBS、 palm wax、PETS) are added. Six formulations are prepared to discover whether the performance of PA66 is proved by additive. Tensile test, 3-point bending test, Cantilever beam notched impact test, heat distortion temperature test (HDT), melt flow index test (MFI), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction test (XRD) are used. The largest tensile yield strength is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012+1.5wt%EBS. The addition of nucleation catalyst and lubricant will weaken the elongation at break, as well as the tenacity. The formulation of minimum elongation at break is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012+1.5wt%ST. The formulation of maximum bending modulus is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012+1.5wt%ST. All formulations’ impact strength are weakened, which the most is the formulation of PA66+0.3wt%PNA012. The formulation of highest heat distortion temperature is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012. The formulation of the biggest flow rate is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012+1.5wt% palm wax. The addition of nucleation catalyst reduces the Crystallization degree of supercooling of PA66, and ascends the crystalline. When adding the lubricant, Crystallization degree of supercooling is also reduced. The formulation of the biggest crystalline is PA66+0.3wt%PNA012+1.5wt%ST, with the rate of 33%. When adding the nucleation catalyst, the β peak intensity of PA66 is elevated. Both pure PA66 and PA66 with nucleation catalyst and lubricant show that β phase always larger than α phase.
     KeyWords:PA66;Lubricant;Nucleating agent
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    文献综述    1
    1.1.1    PA66的概述    1
    1.1.2    润滑剂    1
    1.1.3    成核剂    3
    1.1.4    研究背景    4
    1.2    课题研究的目的和意义    6
    1.2.1    研究目的    6
    1.2.2    研究意义    7
    2    实验部分    8
    2.1    主要原材料    8
    2.2    主要仪器设备    8
    2.3    试样的制备    8
    2.3.1    试样配方    8
    2.3.2    试样制备的步骤    9
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