

    毕业论文关键词  7A52铝合金  激光+MIG复合焊接  焊缝  显微组织  力学性能


    Title   Process study on laser + MIG hybrid welding of aluminum alloys 


    Laser + metal inert gas (MIG) hybrid welding of 7A52 aluminum alloys was studied with ER5356 wires. The effect of the main operating parameters on the quality of the bead, including its appearance, microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties were investigated. Under the optimal welding parameters, the sound beads were obtained. The results show that appearance of bead could be improved by increasing laser power, and within the parameter scope of this experiment, laser power had little influence on the weld penetration and weld width; process specifications of achieving good appearance of beads were obtained in test groups of changing welding speed, arc current, and defocusing distance respectively. Two different microstructures were included in weld zone named welding layer of filler wire and of base metal self-fusion respectively from the top to the bottom of the bead; heat affected zone was narrow showed by the picture of microstructure. The maximum tensile strength of bead was 325MPa that reached 79% of that of base metal by using different laser power. The fracture occurred in fusion zone where the hardness value was low.

    Keywords  7A52 aluminum alloy   laser + MIG hybrid welding   bead microstructure    mechanical properties

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景及意义 1

    1.2  7A52铝合金的性能及应用 2

    1.3  7A52铝合金焊接研究现状 2

    1.4  激光+MIG复合焊接技术应用的研究现状 5

    1.5  本课题研究主要内容 8

    2  试验材料、设备及方法 9

    2.1  试验材料 9

    2.2  试验设备 10

    2.3  试验方法 12

    3  7A52铝合金激光+MIG复合焊接工艺对焊缝成形的影响 15

    3.1  激光功率对7A52铝合金激光+MIG复合焊接焊缝成形的影响 16

    3.2  焊接速度对7A52铝合金激光+MIG复合焊接焊缝成形的影响 17

    3.3  MIG焊接电流对7A52铝合金激光+MIG复合焊接焊缝成形的影响 17

    3.4  离焦量对7A52铝合金激光+MIG复合焊接焊缝成形的影响

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