



    毕业论文关键词  MoO3薄膜  脉冲激光沉积法  表面形貌  微观结构


    Title       The deposition and microstructure of MoO3 film                 


    MoO3 material has been widely used in large screen display of information etc due to its excellent optical and electrical property. In this paper, MoO3 films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition(PLD). The samples were characterized by the XRD, Raman and SEM. The influence of process parameters on the surface morphology, microstructure and crystalline quality of MoO3 film were investigated.

    When the substrate temperature is 350℃, the MoO3 film changed from amorphous structure into the crystal structure with increasing oxygen pressure. With the increase of oxygen pressure, the crystallization of the deposited films became compact and uniform in a certain range. The grain shape changed from the slender rod into a rounded rod, and the crystal quality improved.

    When the temperature is 200℃, the films were almost amorphous structure. The grain size of MoO3  films increased with the increasing temperature at the oxygen pressure of 20 mtorr, and it becomes compact and uniform. The deposited film exhibited (0k0) preferential orientation, and there was almost no effect of substrate temperature on the orientation. When the MoO3  film deposited at 400 ℃,the film demonstrated the largest crystallite size  and best quality. MoO2 orthorhombic structure occurred at 500 ℃.

    Keywords  MoO3 film, pulsed laser deposition(PLD), surface morphology, microstructure.


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  MoO3的结构 1

    1.2  MoO3的基本性质 1

    1.3  MoO3薄膜的制备方法 3

    1.4  MoO3的应用 5

    2  实验 7

    2.1  脉冲激光沉积原理 7

    2.2  脉冲激光沉积系统 8

    2.3  薄膜具体制备工艺 8

    3 结果分析与讨论 11

    3.1  衬底温度对MoO3薄膜表面形貌与微观结构的影响 11

    3.2  氧压对MoO3薄膜表面形貌与微观结构的影响 15

    3.3  能量密度对MoO3薄膜表面形貌与微观结构的影响 17

    结论 21

    致谢 22

    参考文献 23

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