
    relationship for each test was computed. The force-slip relation-
    ships for the load end and the free end for specimen CT-6-1 are
    plotted in Fig. 7.
    From the test measurements and observations of the behavior of
    the specimens during testing, the compressive bond performance
    of 500 MPa steel bars in concrete can be pided into five stages:
    elastic stage, local slip stage, slip in ascent stage, slip in descent
    stage, and remnant stage.
    The elastic stage starts from the start of load application and
    ends at the time when the chemical bond begins to be broken at
    the load end of the bar. In this stage, chemical bond strength plays
    an important role. There is no slip observed at the free end and the
    slip at the load end is close to zero.
    The local slip stage starts when the chemical bond begins to be
    broken at the load end point and ends when the chemical bond is
    broken all the way along the bar. Once this stage is passed, as the
    compressive force becomes bigger, the free end begins to slip.摘要:在压缩条件下钢筋锚固的研究已经进行了几个。本文报道了99个推导调查500 MPa钢筋在混凝土中的粘结锚固性能试验的结果。精确的滑移值已使用高分辨率激光位移传感器测量,允许完全力滑移曲线得到的。影响混凝土强度,钢筋直径,混凝土保护层,埋置长度,并对粘接性能的横向钢筋压缩条件下的研究。一种新的500 MPa钢筋在混凝土中受压粘结强度的计算公式在具体的测试结果的基础上提出了。DOI:10.1061 /(ASCE)st.1943-541x.0000793。©2013美国公民工程师。
    关键词: 500 MPa钢筋;拔出;滑移力破坏;受压粘结强度;混凝土和砌体结构。
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