菜单  The  effective  upper  belt  anc horage  must  lie  behind  a  plane  FK running  perpendicular  to  the  longi tudinal  median  pl ane  ofthe  seat and  intersecting  the  reference  line  at  a  point  B  at  an  angle  of  120º  such that BR = 260 mm + S. Where S  ≥  280 mm, the manufacturer may use BR = 260 mm + 0·8 S at his discretion. 

    ▼B  The value ofS s hall not be less than 140 mm.  The effective upper bel t anchorage shall be situated to the rear of a vertical  plane perpendicular  to the median longitudinal  plane ofthe vehicle  and  passing  through  the   ►M2   R  ◄  point  as  shown  in Annex III. 

    ▼M2 The   effective   upper   belt   anchorage   must   be   situated   

    above a horizontal plane passing through t he point C defined in Item 4.1.4.  In  addition  to  t he  upper  anchorage  specified   in  Item  4.3.1,  other 

    effective upper anchorages may be provided if one of the follo wing conditions is satisfied:  The  additional   anchorages  comply with the requirements  laid  down in Items to  The  additional  anchorages  can  be  used  without   the  aid  of tools, 

    comply with the requirements laid down  in Items and and  are  located  in  one  ofthe  areas  determined  by  shifting  the  area described in Annex III, Figure 1, 80 mm upwards or downwards in a vertical direction.  The anchorage(s) is/are intended for a harness belt, complies/comply with  the  requirements  laid  down  in   Item,  lie(s)  behind  the transverse plane passing through the re ference line and is/are located:  in  the  case   of a  single  anchorage,  inside  the  area  common        to  two dihedra  defined  by  the   verticals  passing  through  points J1 and  J2 asdefined in Item 4.4.4. 1 and whose horizontal sections are defined by Figure 2 in Annex III;  in the case  of two anchorages, inside wh ichever of the above defined dihedra is suitable, provided that each anchorage  is not more than 50 mm  distant  from  the  symetrically  located,  mirror-image  position  of the other anchorage about plane  P, defined in Item 4.1.6, of the seat under consideration. 


    4.5.  Dimensions of threaded belt anchorage holes    

    4.5.1.  A belt anchorage shall have a thr eaded hole of11·11 mm (7/16) 20 UNF 2B.            


    4.5.2.  If the vehicle is fitted  by the manufacturer with safe ty belts which are attached  to  all  anchorages  prescribed  for   the  seat  in  question,  these anchorages  need  not  meet  the  require ment  stipulated  in  Item  4.5.1, provided that they comply with the other pr ovisions of this Directive. Nor    does   the  requirement  set  out  in   Item  4.5.1  apply  to  additional anchorages which meet the condition specified in  Item 

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