


    4.1.  Definitions (see ►M4  Annex II   ◄) 


    4.1.1.  H is a reference poi nt as defined in Item 1.1 of Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC   which  must  be  determined   in  accordance   with  the procedure set out in that Directive. Point H′  is the reference point corresponding to H as defined in Item 

    4.1.1 and  shall  be determined  for  all  normal  positions in  which  the 

    seat is used.  Point R is the seat reference  point defined in Item 1.2 of Annex III to 

    Directive 77/649/EEC. 

    4.1.2.  The reference line is a straight line as def ined in Item 3.4 of Annex 

    III to Directive 77/649/EEC.  


    4.1.3. Points L1 and L2 are the lower effective belt anchorages. 


    4.1.4.  Point  C  is  the  point  situated  450  mm  vertically  above  point  R. 

    However, if the distance S defined in Item 4.1.6 is not less than 280 mm and if the alternative formula BR = 280 mm + 0·8  S specified in Item  is  chosen  by  the  manufacturer,  t he  vertical  distance between C and R shall be 500 mm. 



    4.1.5. The angles α1 and  α2 are respectively the angl es between a horizontal plane  and  planes  perpendicular  to  the  median  longitudinal  plane  of the vehicle and passing through  ►M2   point H′◄ and points L1 and L2.  

    4.1.6.  S is the distance in millimetres of the effective upper belt anchorage from a reference plane P parallel to the longitudi nal median plane of the vehicle defined as follows:  if the  seating  position  is  well  defined  by  the  shape  of the  seat,  the plane P shall be the medi an plane of this seat;  in the absence of  a well-defined position:  

    ▼M2  the  plane  P  for  the  driver's  seat  is  a  vertical  plane  parallel  to  the median  longitudinal   plane  of the  vehicle  which  passes  through  the centre  of the  steering-wheel  in   the  plane  of the  steering-wheel  rim when the steering-wheel, if adjust able, is in its  central position; 

    ▼B  the  plane  P   for  the  front  outboard  passenger  shall  be  symmetrical with that of the driver;  plane P for the rear outboard seating position shall be that specified by  the  manufacturer   on  condition   t hat  the   following  limits   for distance A between the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle and plane P are respected:  

    A  ≥  200 mm ifthe bench seat has been des igned to accomodate two passengers 



    A  ≥  300 mm, ifthe bench seat has been designed to accommodate more than two 



    4.2.  General specifications   一般技术要求 


    4.2.1.  Anchorages for a safety belt shall be so designed, made  and situated as to: enable  the installati on  of a suitable safety belt. The belt anchorages of  the  

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