
    A Central Air Conditioning System Design for Hotel in Guangzhou Keywords: primary return air system; fan-coil units with fresh air system; full-heat type fresh air exchanger; VRV system46800

    Abstract. The primary mission of this design is the air conditioning design of a hotel in Guangzhou city. The calculation of cooling load & heat load, pision of the air conditioning system and the determination of the scheme, the design of the duct and water system, and the design of the smoke prevention and extraction system are all included. According to the related standard and considering the energy saving and comfort requirements, the air conditioning system are determined through the economic and technological comparison. Primary return air system is used for open office area and dining hall; fan-coil units with fresh air system is adopted for the guest rooms of the hotel; and the VRV system is adopted for the large conference room. The new air in restaurant rooms and the large conference room is handled by full-heat type fresh air exchanger; new air in guest room is handled by air conditioning units.

    Introduction The building is located in Guangzhou City of Guangdong Province, longitude 113 ° 19 ¹,latitude 23 ° 08 ¹. According to thermal meteorological partition for the hot summer and warm winter area. The building faces south and the height of the building is 44.7m.Overall building area is 16715 m2 including 11041m2 of air conditioning area. The whole construction including a main building with east and west side buildings. With one basement floor. The main building is 12 floors overground, the west and east side buildings have 7 floors and 6 floors above ground, respectively. This is a general public building with lots of rooms and comprehensive functions. The entire basement floor is kitchen, bath and sauna room and facilities room. The first floor of the main building is kitchen and entertainment hall. The second floor is for catering with private rooms and the 3rd to 12th floors are for standard hotel rooms. The 1st and 2nd floors of the west side building are for catering and the 3rd to 7th floors are for conference rooms. The 1st to 6th floors of the west side building are all open office area.

    Design parameters and cooling and heating load Design parameters of outdoor air [1]

    Outdoor design parameters for air conditioning are shown in table 1.

    Design parameters of indoor air [1]

    Design parameters of indoor air are shown in table 2.

    The results of cooling and heating load

    The cooling and heating load of the air conditioning system includes: the heat passing through the building envelope; the cooling load gained due to the solar radiation through the window; the cooling load gained due to the personnel; the cooling load gained due to the lighting heat, equipment and food. Overall cooling and heating load of the building are about 0.95         and          0.41 , respectively; accordingly cooling and heating load index are 86   and 37.1 . The results accord with the demand of reference [2] that compared with taking no energy saving measures, the annual total energy

    consumption of air conditioning should drops by 50% under the same indoor environment parameters condition.

    Table 1   Design parameters of outdoor air (summer)

     Atmospheric pressureDominant wind113°19¹ 33.5 27.7 31 67 1019.5 C.SE

    23°08¹ 5 13 70 1004.5 C.N 6.6

    Table 2   Design parameters of indoor air

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