    From Human Flesh Search Engine Phenomenon to Explore the Challenge of Modern Science and Technology to the Traditional                                      Protection
    Abstract: "Human flesh search" is the realization of the online community that an efficient information, resource sharing, mutual help behavior. Due to the lack of network behavior to guide and reguate the legal system, citizen right of privacy protection law system is not sound reasons, such as "human flesh search" is becoming extremely easily with the privacy of citizens. And as a result of modern science and technology developed, for the protection of the right of privacy is faced with more and more challenges, also are suffering more and more social dissent, how to reasonable use of science and technology for our better service to the human in daily life has already become the scholars of the planet loves talking about the topic, in order to achieve the protection of citizens' right to privacy, further standardize the privacy areas, there is a need to further confirm the right of privacy in our country, the independent status of legal system, speed up construction of personal information protection legal system; Sound and perfect legislation of network behavior specifications define the legal liability system and refine the network service provider This article will comprehensively from various angles of sweeping the argument of this thesis.
    Keywords: Human flesh search; Society; Science and technolog
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    一 、传统隐私权之解析.2
    (一)传统隐私权的概念    2
        (二)探讨传统隐私权的表现类型    2
    (一)网络技术发展对传统隐私权保护的积极影响    4
    (二)网络技术进步对传统隐私权保护的消极影响    5
    三、我国个人隐私权保护现状分析.    6
    (一)我国对个人信息保护的模式    6
    (二) 加强个人隐私保护的重要性    6
    (三)个人信息得不到有效保护的原因. 6
    四、完善个人隐私权保护的途径 7
    (一)立法上明确隐私权的保护.    7
    (二)加强对公众人物隐私权保护    8
    参考文献.    9
    致 谢    10
    从人肉搜索现象探讨现代科学技术对传统隐私权保护手段的挑战前  言
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  2. 下一篇:论我国刑事强制医疗制度的完善
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