    毕业论文关键词:知识产权; 专利强制许可; 反垄断
    Patent compulsory licensing system is the state for the sake of public interests to set up a right limit. Patent compulsory license system involving the protection of intellectual property and antitrust law and the compulsory license for easing may affect the enthusiasm of the invention, but if the exclusive rights of intellectual property rights do not limit, will go against the market competition, hinder the development of social and technical level. How to grasp the scale to encourage innovation and protect competition balance is one of the most difficult problems in legislation and practice.
     Compulsory licensing is the effective measure to prevent power abuse and monopoly, but because of the imperfection of the compulsory license system in China, the rules are too strict, failing to meet national conditions, therefore, compulsory license system set up for many years in our country did not play a proper role. With the development of science and technology, intellectual property rights in enterprise development, especially in multinational companies in the international competition is more and more important, cisco v. huawei in 2003 to let China enterprise vigilant, as China's economic development more and more slow, deepen the reform, enterprise technology upgrades become an important link of the intellectual property strategy will be a multinational enterprise gain a foothold in the international important competitive weapon, we need the lack of perfect relevant legislation as soon as possible to improve the system of the compulsory license, make it suit China's national conditions, so as to better benefit the society provide solid system foundation for the future development of our country.
     Key words: Intellectual property rights;patent compulsory licensing;antitrust
    目    录
    摘    要••Ⅰ
    ㈠ 专利强制许可••1
    ㈡ 反垄断法2
    ㈠ 美国3
    ㈡ 欧盟•4
    ㈠ 思科诉华为案••5
    ㈡ 欧盟Magill案•5 
    ㈠ 建议我国对强制许可制度的态度•7
    ㈡ 立法建议8
    致    谢••11
    附    录••12
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