    Establishing and improving a social security system or social stability is an important safeguard about long-term peace and stability in the country, and it’s also the inevitable outcome of a certain level economic development. And establishing and improving the social endowment insurance is the top priority of the social security system, In recent years China had also made various efforts to to solve the pension problem of rural residents. The new rural pension insurance system might be a bold attempt to address this problem. China's current urban pension system have been more perfect, but the theory and practice of the new rural pension insurance system is still in the exploratory stage, the theory and the practice is not mature enough. In 2009, the State Council promulgated the "new rural cooperative development on the old-age insurance pilot guidance" to start a new rural work about social endowment insurance system. However, the new rural pension insurance system can stand the test of practice and achieve the real sustainable development that also needs to be improved and innovated.
    Key Words:Rural endowment insurance; Aging; Common endowment insurance
    目  录
    第一章  我国农村养老保险的现状及存在的问题    1
    1.1我国农村养老保险的现状    1
    1.2我国农村养老保险存在的问题    2
    1.2.1 农村养老保险目标人群的覆盖面太窄    2
    1.2.2 没有突出再分配原则和强制性原则    2
    1.2.3我国养老保险基金没有有效的增值途径    3
    第二章  影响我国农村养老保险发展的因素    4
    2.1 影响我国农村养老保险发展的历史因素    4
    2.2 影响我国农村养老保险发展的经济因素    4
    2.3 影响我国农村养老保险发展的政治因素    5
    第三章  国外养老保险制度发展对我国的启示    7
    3.1 德法日三国农村养老保险的发展    7
    3.1.1 德国农村养老保险    7
    3.1.2 法国农村养老保险    7
    3.1.3 日本农村养老保险    8
    3.2 国外农村社会养老保险对我国农村养老保险的启示    9
    第四章  中国农村养老保险制度的对策研究    10
    4.1根据各地经济发展状况实行区别养老    10
    4.2为养老基金设立有效增值途径    11
    4.3 突出政府责任的主体地位    11
    结束语    12
    致  谢    13
    参考文献    14
    第一章 我国农村养老保险的现状及存在的问题
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