
    关键词: 高层酒店;消防设计;消火栓系统;火灾自动报警系统;灭火器配置
    Fire protection system design of hotel in Chuansha
    Design Notes:The design of an object for a hotel in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai Chuansha Town. Hotel construction area of 40207 m². 19 on the ground floor, ground floor, housing a height of 80m, belonging to high-rise buildings.
    1)Building and fire rating classification determined
    The hotel is a class of public buildings, fire resistance rating of one. Underground garage for Class Ⅱ garage, fire resistance rating of one. Hotel building is surrounded by a ring set fire road, fire road width is greater than 4m, turning radius greater than 12m, fire road through the hotel corridor and the clear width of the clear height between office and commercial buildings greater than 4m.
    2)Total construction design flat fire
    5-19 layers each floor is pided into a main hotel building fire district, two smoke partitions; 1-4 pision two horizontal layers each fire district, two smoke partitions; hotel is pided into four levels of underground garage fire district, four smoke partitions. The hotel facilities on each floor share a smoke. Basement, stairwell, fire lifts, refuge floors smoke partitions separate pision.
    3)Architectural design of smoke
    The hotel is pided into two layers one to nineteen smoke partitions, fan flow 32828m3 / h, pressure is 197.69Pa, choose HTFC-I-NO22 fire ventilation fan with low noise cabinet centrifugal one, flow : 30940 m3 / h, Total pressure 450Pa, speed 800r/min, with motor : Y160M-4, power 11Kw.
    Smoke underground garage is pided into four partitions . Smoke partition 1, the fan flow : 130680 m3 / h, pressure : 901.64Pa; smoke partition 5 , fan flow : 122628 m3 / h, fan pressure : 830.36Pa. Were selected HTF-II-NO5 fire ventilation fan with low noise cabinet centrifugal one, flow : 163111 m3 / h, total pressure 1810Pa, speed 2900r/min, with motor : Y280S-6, power 55Kw; smoke Division 2, the smoke control system fan flow : 66000 m3 / h, pressure : 594.97Pa; smoke partitions 5 , smoke control system fan flow : 66594 m3 / h, pressure : 618.99Pa; smoke partition 3 , smoke system fan flow : 65604 m3 / h, pressure : 431.57Pa. 2,3 smoke partitions are made of HTFC-I-NO36 fire ventilation fan with low noise cabinet centrifugal one, flow : 70145 m3 / h, total pressure 745Pa, speed 540r/min, with motor : Y225M-6, power 30Kw .
    4)Safe evacuation design
    The main hotel were five to nineteen layers each have three front room and stairwell.Evacuation circuit design is room→aisle→antechamber→stairwell.A four-story hotel building to the front room and each has four stairways,Evacuation circuit design is room→aisle→antechamber→stairwell.
    The main hotel five to nineteen layers, each arranged three evacuation mouth. One to four, each furnished with four evacuation port located a fire elevator on each floor.
    5)Fire extinguishers configuration design
    Mainly for the beginning of the fire extinguishers to fight the blaze. The design of the fire main types of Class A fires, there is a Class E fire simultaneously, design configuration ammThe hotel is a serious risk of danger rating level, fire main types of Class A fires, there is a Class E fire simultaneously, design configuration ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguishers (MF/ABC5), single fire with minimum configuration level 3A, five to nineteen layer set point five, one at each of five; each set point nine four, two each at a total of 18; triple set point 10 each, two each at a total of 20 ; story each set point 11, each at a total of 11; each layer set point eight, two at each of 16; underground garage set point 21, two at each of 42.
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