6)Fire hydrant system design indoor and outdoor
Outdoor fire hydrant water is 30L / s, set three outdoor low voltage ground fire hydrant.
Fire hydrant water was 43.51L / s, set five fire water riser, use the fire hydrant 65mm diameter, 19mm gun nozzle diameter of 65mm with rubber hose length of 20m. Fire hydrant protection radius of 28.1 m, the most negative point hydrant hydrant pool with the lowest level of hydrostatic pressure 0.794MPa. Head of 104.84m, flow Q = 43.51L / s. Optional ISW125-315A model pumps, lift 110m, flow 50L / s, speed 2900r/min, Efficiency 70%, power 75kw, the choice of the model pump groups, one with a prepared. Fire water tank effective volume taken 18m3. Effective volume of fire water taken 246m3..
7)Automatic sprinkler system design
Automatic sprinkler system used wet sprinkler system. Design objects are dangerous hazard class Class I level. Design parameters water density 6 L / (min • m2), the role of area 160m2. Design uses a rectangular nozzle arrangement, each nozzle actual protection area 12.5m2, the role of the most negative point of the area several nozzles 18. Calculate the most unfavorable point of the nozzle flow 72L/min, system design flow 28.8L / s, the total loss of the pipeline 0.36168MPa, the most negative point of the working pressure 0.081MPa, hydrostatic pressure 0.783MPa. Optional spray pump 2 (1 with a prepared), specifications XBD12.5/40-125L-315, Q = 40L / S, H = 125m, speed 2900r/min, power 90KW. Fire water volume 103.68m3, fire water tank volume of 17.28m3. Fire pump adapter 2.
8)Automatic fire alarm system design
The hotel is a high-level design objects object of protection, centralized alarm system, and set the fire control room. Smoke detector design selection, pided into two layers detection unit, detector protection area A = 60m2, protection radius R = 5.8m. Calculated the number of detectors arranged in a layer 55, floor 55, three 24, four 18, five to nineteen layers 23, basement 127. Detector installation spacing a = 10m, b = 6m.
Key words: high-rise building; fire protection system design; hydrant system; automatic fire alarm system; configuration of fire extinguisher
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 设计依据的主要规范 1
1.3 国内外高层建筑消防安全现状及存在的问题 1
1.3.1 国外高层建筑消防安全现状 1
1.3.2 国内高层建筑消防安全现状 2
1.3.3 国内高层建筑消防存在的问题 2
1.4 高层建筑消防安全防控对策 3
1.5 设计方案及主要内容 4
1.5.1 设计方案 4
1.5.2 设计主要内容 5
2.建筑物耐火等级确定及总平面布置 6
2.1 耐火等级的确定 6
2.2 防火间距 7
2.3 消防车道与消防车操作空间 7
3.建筑平面防火设计 8
3.1 防火分区 8
3.2 防烟分区 9
4.安全疏散设计 11
4.1 设计安全疏散路线 11
4.2 安全出口的布置 11
4.3 防烟楼梯间的设计 12
5.灭火器配置设计 14
5.1 确定配置场所的危险等级 14
5.2 保护面积的计算 14
5.3 计算单元所需最低灭火级别 14
5.4 确定灭火器设置点数与位置 16
5.5 灭火器设置点最小需配灭火级别计算 16
5.6 确定灭火器类型 16
5.6.1 类型选择 16
5.6.2 规格和数量的确定 16
5.6.3 验算 17
- 上一篇:7层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构设计+CAD图纸
- 下一篇:闽江解放路钢混凝土组合连续梁桥设计+CAD图纸