    【关键词】     纺织文化 滨河景观 污水整治 雨水花园 生态循环
    Landscape Design of Dacheng Third Factory in Changzhou
    Waterfront Landscape Planning
    Dacheng Third Factory is in the north face of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal which is one of the longest, largest and oldest canals in the world. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the Great Wall are known as the two greatest projects in ancient China. The court made the stream way straight from Beijing through Hangzhou in stead of bypassing Luoyang in the repairing periods in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, which has 2,500 years history till now. There still has been navigation function in the parts of the river today. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal meets severe water pollution that leads to the dead fish stretching even 4 kilometers long, according to Beijing News in June, 2011. It is increasing city pollution, large amount of sanitary waste and overload of industrial and agricultural emissions that causes severe water pollution in the Grade Canal. Therefore, this landscape planning not only attempts to reserve and redesign the old buildings around the Dacheng Third Factory, but also to rehabilitate the ecological system near the river and give back a qualified existing environment to the fish.
    This design mainly covers waterfront landscape areas and will implement the reconstruction planning according to the geographical environment and ecological conditions. We will be stick to the eco-friendly concept, which views human being as a part of the nature, takes highly regards of the mechanism of the nature and advocates recycling of the local resources and the sustainable development. The design aims to take advantage of recycling of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal while reducing deprivation of natural resources, keeping nutrition and circulation in the river, maintaining the quality of plantation and animal habitation and improving the living environment and ecological system.

    【Key Words】
    Textile culture, Riverfront landscape, Sewage remediation, Rain gardens, Ecological cycle
    目  录
    1 引言  5
    1.1河流在人类活动中的重要地位 - 5
    1.2重视河流作为城市生态基础设施的作用  5
    1.3滨河景观在城市绿地系统中的性质 - 6
    2大成三厂概述  6
    2.1大成三厂的历史 - 6
    2.2大成三厂的组成 - 6
    2.3大成三厂的周边 - 7
    2.4大成三厂的拆除与保留  7
    3常州大成三厂景观设计理念  8
    3.1项目研究意义- 8
    3.2地缘条件分析- 9
    3.3设计参数 - 9
    3.4设计理念 - 10
    3.4.1水体  10
  1. 上一篇:民用建筑施工过程风险分析及控制研究
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