    The risk analysis and control studies of some civil architecture's construction process
    Abstract:In recent years, Chinese construction industry has changed dramatically. With the special properties of long construction duration, extensive management and manual works, it has become a high-risk industry. Thus, ways to effectively control and eliminate the risks when constructing are increasingly attractive to people. By taking civil construction implementation a project as cases, this paper expounds categories of construction risks which happen frequently and their relating technical control measures in this project and construction industry with details. In the meanwhile, this paper researches and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of risks control methods in current construction industry, such as security inspection table, meshing management and video supervision, etc., and based on the different security evaluation ways, this paper propose practical and innovative suggestions. At last, this paper provides relating schemes of the implanting of “green construction” which is vigorously promoted into the construction management, expecting the efficiency and success rate of risk control in the process of construction can be further improved.
    Keywords: Building construction;Risk control ; Risk Identification;Safety Checklist;Grid Management;Video Surveillance;Green Construction
    1 绪论    1
    1.1    风险来源及分类    1
    1.1.1    风险分类    1
    1.1.2    建筑施工中的风险来源    2
    1.2    建筑施工过程风险的危害    3
    1.3    课题确定及意义    3
    2    施工过程风险控制技术现状及研究方向    5
    2.1 本课题实习所在单位风险控制及安全生产现状    5
    2.2 国内建筑施工过程风险管理与控制技术    5
    2.3 国外研究状况    6
    2.4 建立完善的依法治理安全管理体系    7
    3 工程概况    8
    3.1工程性质    8
    3.2工程地理位置    8
    3.3工程建筑结构形式    9
    3.4 工程目标    12
    3.4.1 质量目标    12
    3.4.2 职业健康与环境管理目标:    12
    3.4.3 施工目标    12
    4本工程施工项目的风险分析    13
    4.1 人的不安全因素和危险状态    13
    4.2 物的不安全因素和危险状态    13
    4.3 安全人员日常检查工作中的风险识别方法    14
    4.4 本工程施工过程中识别的风险    15
    4.5 季节性施工的风险控制    22
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