




    Abstract With the development of our national economy,rapid development of the city ,high-rise buildings,underground construction more and more,the foundation pit engineering becomes more and more.In order to guarantee the construction of underground structure and security environment around foundation pit wall,the need for support,reinforcement and protection measures.  

    The project is located in Yu Shan Road on the west side of the east side, with royal royal with river 27# - 33# building basement foundation pit. The project is equivalent to 0 of the Yellow Sea elevation 6.60m, the raft board elevation of -7.800m high-rise building,raft thickness 0.4m, deep foundation pit 8.3m, pit area of about 22000 square meters, a total length of about 680 meters of enclosure. 

    In a safe and reliable, economical and reasonable, feasible, convenient construction principle, the design of the anchor pile retaining structure of foundation pit. In this design the first hand count of bored pile and anchor bolt support form, with the software of computer check. In the end will attach the pit surrounding environment map, excavation plan, profile, drawing.

    Keywords: deep foundation pit; retaining and protecting for foundation excavation;Cast-in-place pile;anchor pile


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2基坑支护类型 1

    1.3基坑支护的设计要求 3

    1.4基坑工程发展现状 4

    1.5深基坑支护技术的发展趋势 4

    第二章 基坑基本概况 6

    2.1 基坑工程概况 6

    2.1.1工程概况 6

    2.1.2基坑概况 6

    2.1.3基坑周围环境 6

    2.2工程地质概况 7

    第三章 基坑支护方案 9

    3.1设计依据 9

    3.2方案选择 9

    第四章 基坑支护设计计算 12

    4.1基坑支护设计参数说明 12

    4.1.1地质计算参数 12

    4.1.2计算区段的划分 12

    4.1.3超载q取值 12

    4.2支护结构土压力计算 12

    4.2.1土压力系数计算 12

    4.2.2 AB、FGHA段支护结构设计计算

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