


    毕业论文关键词:基坑  支护  实例计算

    Abstract Foundation pit engineering is a highly integrated discipline, which includes the calculation of structure strength and stability. At the same time, it is also controled by the environmental factors such as geological and hydrological conditions. On the other hand, the retaining structure of foundation pit is a temporary structure, so economic factors are also important aspects of leading its rationality. How to design a safe, reasonable, and feasible foundation pit project has become a common topic in the construction field.

    This article is mainly on the Yangzhong Chengdong placement 1# library Foundation Pit Support Design. Firstly, Rankine theory was used to calculate the earth pressure. Secondly, based on the earth pressure, the supporting axial force and maximum bending moment were calculated. Thirdly, the reinforcement calculation was conducted. Forthly, the manual calculation results were verificate by the Lizheng software. Lastly, the construction drawings were given.

    Key words: Foundation pit engineering  retaining structure   case study

      目  录

    第一章  支护结构设计方案综合说明 1

    1.1工程概况 1

    1.2地质概况 1

    1.2.1岩土层分布及分布特征 1

    1.2.2地质参数 3

    1.2.3水文状况 4

    1.3支护方案 4

    1.3.1设计依据 4

    1.3.2 支护方案 5

    1.4 设计计算 6

    1.4.1计算条件 6

    1.4.2 计算工况 6

    1.4.3 主要计算结果 7

    1.4.4 设计成果 8

    1.5 施工技术要求 9

    1.5.1建筑材料 9

    1.5.2钻孔灌注桩施工要求 9

    1.5.3水泥搅拌桩施工要求 10

    1.5.4 支撑系统施工要求 10

    1.5.5立柱、立柱桩施工要求 11

    1.5.6 质量检测要求 11

    1.6 土方开挖与降水 11

    1.6.1 土方开挖 11

    1.6.2 降排水 12

    1.7 监测 13

    1.7.1 技术要求 13

    1.7.2 监测内容 13

    1.7.3 观测要求 14

    1.7.4报警值 14

    1.7.5 应急措施 14

    1.8 其它

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