


    毕业论文关键词: 办公楼;中央空调;全空气系统;风机盘管+新风系统;技术经济分析

    Shanghai Business office building air conditioning system design and technical and economic analysis

    Abstract: The design for the Shanghai office of a comprehensive business-conditioning system design and technical and economic analysis, the rational design of central air conditioning systems, indoor shopping and leisure staff provide a comfortable environment. Building underground negative layer and a layer of room with full air system, through the return air system and the burden of indoor air system load, the second to the tenth floor is built office floor, fan coil air conditioning system uses + fresh air system, each room ceiling They are equipped with fan coil units, fan coil indoor load to bear. Air-conditioned room in the building a unified set of top level, can focus on the supply of hot and cold demand of the entire building. Meanwhile, the terminal equipment of each room can be automatically adjusted according to changes in room temperature, humidity and the amount of cold air supply, so the system is more flexible, but also environmental protection, sustainable development in line with modern ideas.

    The main contents of the design are: to determine the selection and system solutions air conditioning load is calculated air conditioning duct systems, equipment, water system hydraulic calculations, duct and pipe insulation and anti-corrosion system, system silencer and Save vibration, technical and economic analysis of the air conditioning system and so on. 

    Keywords: official buildings; central air conditioning; all air system ;fan coil - new air system ;technical and economic analysis

    1绪论 5

    1.1 我国空调发展状况 5

    1.2 空调技术发展趋势 5

    2 工程概况及相关参数 7

    2.1 建筑概况 7

    2.2 气象参数 7

    2.3 初步方案 8

    3 空调系统负荷计算 9

    3.1 负荷计算公式 9

    3.1.1外墙和屋面传热冷负荷计算公式 9

    3.1.2外窗的温差传热冷负荷 9

    3.1.3外窗太阳辐射冷负荷 10

    3.1.4内围护结构的传热冷负荷 11

    3.1.5人体冷负荷 11


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