    Abstract : To prevent and reduce juvenile crime, in today's society is very concerned about a social problem, is the hot issue of social and judicial organs. Juvenile crime is a kind of social phenomenon, is complex, the reason is various, is made up of family, school, society and the reasons caused by many factors such as their own youth, among them, the family of juvenile crime as a result of the negative impact of a direct and importantreason.Concerned investigation shows, there are more than 50% of the "problem juvenile" in the "problems" in the family. The first place, the family is a personal socialization of inpidual socialization early socialization and even life is of great significance. I selected as in Shanghai area as an example, has carried out investigation and research, using the case of professional social work method and questionnaire method to explore the real reason of juvenile crime, the study found that in the cause of juvenile delinquency, family factors can not be ignored, because the family is the "first class" of adolescence. Papers last part and puts forward some countermeasures on how to prevent juvenile crime prevention of juvenile delinquency with parents to help the healthy growth of teenagers.
    Key words: Young urban problems, crime prevention, family environment, social work, community
    目   录
    一 绪论    5
    (一)研究背景    5
    (二)研究意义    5
    文献综述    6
    (一)青少年犯罪的概念    6
    (二)青少年犯罪主要类型    6
    (三)青少年犯罪的研究趋势    7
    三 理论框架与研究方法    7
    (一)理论框架    8
    (二)研究方法    9
    四 数据分析    9
    (一)样本的整体情况    9
    1被调查对象对青少年犯罪的认知程度分析    10
    2被调查对象家庭结构的情况分析    11
    3被调查对象对家庭氛围和关系情况分析    12
    4被调查对象对预防青少年犯罪的的法制认识    14
    (二)样本的某个案例分析    15
    1该对象的犯罪原因之一:得不到父母的关爱    15
    2该对象的犯罪原因之二:父亲不良行为的影响    15
    (三)简短的结论    16
    五 对策与建议    16
    (一)社会工作预防青少年犯罪的对策-家庭方面    16
    (二)社会工作预防青少年犯罪的对策-社区方面    17
    751 致谢    19
    参考文献与附录    20
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