    摘要:中国的文化产业在建国初期开始萌芽,伴随着中国经济的不断发展,中国的文化产业也逐渐成长,但是在成长过成中总会出现一些问题,比如说文化管理体制存在缺陷, 缺少对于本国文化产业应有的保护, 缺少健全的文化产业保护法规等.怎么解决这些问题成为当今中国文化产业发展的关键。在这个过程中,政府扮演着非常重要的角色,政府的角色扮演因国内和国际情况改变而在不断的变化着,政府通过加强文化品牌建设和管理,培育知名文化品牌以及增加政府文化财政性投资等措施, 从政府办文化,从低层次、粗放型发展阶段,从依赖廉价人力资源、相对宽松的土地供给、某些区域特色文化资源的存量优势等,凭借相对低廉的生产资源成本驱动产业发展,获取利润空间,到开始注重文化创意、知识杠杆在产业发展中的作用,中国的文化产业正在大跨步的向前发展,向着世界文化产业强国的地位迈进。当然,这不是一蹴而就的事情,需要大家共同的努力,在政府的领导下我们应该为本国文化产业的发展做出自己的贡献。20724
    Based on the culture industry transformation development guided by the government
    Abstract:Began to sprout from the cultural industry in China at the beginning of the founding, with the continuous development of China's economy, China's cultural industry is also growing, but in grow into there is always some problems, such as culture management system defects, lacks to the protection of its cultural industry should be, the lack of a sound cultural industry protection laws and regulations, etc. How to solve these problems become the key to the development of cultural industry in today's China. In this process, the government plays a very important role, plays the role of government for domestic and international situation change is constantly changing, the government through strengthening the construction of brand culture and management, cultivate famous cultural brands and increasing the government's fiscal investment measures, such as from government culture, from the low level, extensive development phase, from dependence on cheap human resources, relatively loose stock of land supply, some regional features of cultural resources advantage, such as using relatively cheap manufacturing resource cost driver industry development, profit space, to begin to pay attention to cultural creativity, knowledge, leverage in the role of industry development, China's cultural industry is a big step forward, towards the status of the cultural industry world powers. Of course, this is not achieved overnight, need a common efforts, under the leadership of the government we should for their own contributions to the development of cultural industry
    Key words: cultural industry, the transformation development,government
    三. 中国文化产业的现状5
    (2) 经济发展放缓突出社会保障体质缺陷而导致的问题6
    (3) 缺少对于本国文化产业应有的保护6
    (4) 文化品牌建设和管理意识不强7
    (5) 缺少健全的文化产业保护法规7
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