    关键词  教育改革  均衡   资源分配  公平
    Title  A studying of the development of education in    
            urbanization process on a Perspective of equitable        
               —A case studying of Linhai ,Zhejiang Province                                                
    In recent years, with the development of education, a series of related problems caused by the unbalanced economic development also arise, such as education fairness. From equity perspective, and take the eastern coastal county-level city—Linhai, Zhejiang province as a case,this paper will start from education resource allocation imbalance and the unequal education, to explore the development of education in the construction of urbanization, and its equity related problems and solutions in the new century.The differences of economic development between different regions and the regional government education resource distribution inequality also led to the differences in education resources for students, the economic development of floating population flow and the household registration system is not perfect, on the other hand also caused the migrant children education problem. Therefore, the full implementation of the policy and measures to adjust measures to local conditions will be the local government need to review and consideration.
    Keywords  Education Reform  Balanced  Resource Allocation  equitable
     目   次

    1  绪论   1
    1.1  研究目的及意义  1
    1.2  研究的背景、内容与方法  1
    1.2.1  研究内容  1
    1.2.2  研究方法  2
    1.2.3  研究背景  2
    1.3  文献综述    2
    1.3.1  国内研究现状  2
    1.3.2  国外研究现状  3
    2  基本概念与相关理论   4
    2.1  机会均等理论与教育公平  4
    2.2  罗尔斯正义论与教育公平    5
    2.3  教育公平的影响因素    5
    3  我国城市化与教育公平问题的社会历史背景   7
    3.1  基于我国具体国情的教育公平度目标    7
    3.2 改革开放以来我国的城市化发展与教育事业发展     7
    3.2.1  改革开放以来的城市化发展状况  7
    3.2.2  教育事业的发展及其公平性的传达  8
    3.2.3  城市化与教育公平  8
    3.3  教育发展中存在的问题  8
    3.3.1  存在问题及分析    8
    3.3.2  教育改革的方向与要求  9
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