    Title The study on the human resources problems of property
           management in our country --- Taking “Lijin garden”
            Community as an example as                                                                        
    The knowledge economy, human resources development and management increasingly important strategic position in the enterprise, in which the development trend of China, as one of the emerging industry of property management of human resources development and management in recent shape but is not optimistic; along with China's market economy continues to develop, the property management industry increasingly Punta hair up, and in the property management industry in human resources issues have gradually become the property management department of many current problems of increasing concern, no doubt that the quality of human resources is the pros and cons related to the property management department can obtain important guarantee a good development. With the rapid development of property management, property management companies to solve human resource development and management issues, and to explore the development of human resources development and management countermeasures fit the needs of a modern market economy, no doubt is one of many property management professionals currently a hot topic; to Lai Kam community garden in property management, for example, to explore human resources issues arise in our property management stage presence, combined with the actual situation analysis and be able to point out practical operational solutions to whom will be the focus of inquiry below .
    Keywords : property management ; Human resources; Incentive mechanism; measures
     目   次 
    2.1 相关概念 2
    2.2 人力资源对物业管理的重要性.. 2
    2.3 物业管理对人力资源的要求 3
    3.1 我国住宅小区物业管理的发展历程.. 5
    3.2 小区物业管理中存在的主要问题 5
    4 相关原因阐析... ...7
    4.1  人力资源管理不到位.. ...7
    4.2  人力资源的招聘标准较低. 8
    4.3 内部培训机制和有效激励机制的欠缺.. ..9
    5.1 人力管理资源体系的完善.. ...10
    5.2 相应提高招聘门槛和工资待遇.. ...10
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