    摘要:本文以上海市宝山区10 名独居老人为研究对象,主要采用非结构的访谈方式,了解独居老人精神赡养问题,并提出相应对策。就调查的情况来看,缺少人格尊重、忧心子女成就、 缺乏情感慰藉是目前独居老人精神赡养中存在问题的集中体现。 究其原因,则主要包括个人层面的心理健康状况差,儿女层面的关怀趋于形式化,社区层面的赡养条件不发达,以及社会层面的趋利化发展严重。面对人口老龄化过程中日益突出的独居老人精神赡养问题,我们可以,首先鼓励独居老人自我慰藉,乐观面对生活;其次,鼓励子女更多的关怀老人,重塑家庭温暖;再者,加强社区建设,提供优质服务;最后,政府大力支持,弘扬孝道美德。以一种多渠道、全方位的关怀与支持,改善当前独居老人的精神赡养问题。 21937
    毕业论文关键词: 独居老人;精神赡养;子女关怀;情感慰藉
    Spiritual Support of Elder Living Alone
    in Baoshan District, Shanghai
    Abstract: In this article, the Shanghai Baoshan district 10 elder who living alone as the
    research object, mainly uses the unstructured interview way, understand the elder living alone
    spiritual support problem, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
    In the case of
    the investigation, the lack of respect for the personality,  worried about their children
    achievement, lack of emotional solace is the problem of elder living alone in a concentrated
    expression of spiritual support. The mainly reason is mental health at the inpidual level is
    poor, the children tend to formalize the level of care, community-level maintenance
    conditions of underdevelopment, and the serious benefits or reduce the social dimension of
    development. The face of an aging population  increasingly prominent during the spiritual
    support of elder living alone, we can encourage elder living alone first self-consolation,
    optimistic face life; secondly, to encourage their children more care for the elder, home
    remodeling warm; Furthermore, to strengthen community building, providing quality
    services; Finally, government support and promote the virtues of filial piety. In a
    multi-channel, full range of care and support to improve the current issue spiritual support of
    elder living alone.
    Key word: Elder Living Alone; Spiritual Support; Child Care; Emotional Solace 目   录
    一、绪论. 1
    (一) 研究缘起1
    (二)  文献回顾 1
    (三)  核心概念的界定 2
    (四)  研究方法 2
    二、独居老人精神赡养的现状描述. 3
    (一)  缺少人格尊重 3
    (二)  忧心子女成就 3
    (三)  缺乏情感慰藉 4
    三、独居老人精神赡养问题的归因分析 4
    (一)  个人心理健康状况差 4
    (二)  子女关怀趋于形式化 5
    (三)  社区赡养条件不发达 6
    (四)  社会趋利化发展严重 6
    四、独居老人精神赡养的改进策略. 7
    (一)  提倡自我慰藉,乐观面对生活 7
    (二)  子女更多关怀,重塑家庭温暖 7
    (三)  加强社区建设,提供优质服务 7
    (四)  政府大力支持,弘扬孝道美德 8
    五、总结与讨论 8
    (一)  总结 8
    (二)  讨论 9
    致     谢10
    (一) 研究缘起
    随着人口老龄化和计划生育政策带来的少子化等现象的加剧, 独居老人的数量正逐年
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