    关键词:营销模式 品牌战略 成本控制 产品结构 物流体系
    Study on enterprise marketing mode of Metro under the electronic commerce environment
    Abstract: traditional enterprises affected by the development of electronic commerce, business line continued to receive the impact, resulting in similar to Metro such traditional enterprises have to be extended to online business. This paper on China's current development trend of electronic business analysis, through the study on the marketing pattern of Metro in the e-commerce environment, the analysis of traditional enterprises in e-commerce has high speed development and the government support policy under the background of how, by virtue of its own merchandise category, brand awareness, business line. Support and other advantages, expand your online business, at the same time line of brand strategy, enhance their brand in the field of electronic commerce image. In the face of online business problems, such as changes in cost control, the adjustment of product structure, perfect logistics system, how to take measures, reasonable improving marketing mode, operation and management of the use of electronic commerce into enterprises.
    Keywords:Marketing mode;Brand strategy;Cost control;Product mix;Logistics system
    目  录
    引  言    1
    一、电子商务是传统企业未来发展的新趋势    2
    (一) 电子商务对传统零售业的影响分析    2
    1、市场规模和竞争的冲击    2
    2、客户群流失的压力    2
    3、相互竞争和抢夺市场的压力    3
    (二) 大规模传统企业进入电商行业,对电子商务的影响    4
    1、 带动网购市场的发展    4
    2、 网购结构的变化    4
    (三)未来发展趋势分析    5
    1、电子商务环境下零售业的发展趋势    5
    二、案例分析:麦德龙的电子商务    6
    (一) 麦德龙电子商务的定位    6
    (二) 麦德龙电子商务的品牌战略    6
    1、借助电子商务,提高品牌影响力    6
    2、施行品牌战略的措施    6
    3、实施品牌战略的意义    7
    (三)麦德龙电子商务的优势    8
    1、商品品类    8
    2、品牌知名度    8
    3、线下门店的扶持    8
    (四)麦德龙电子商务存在的问题以及解决方案    9
    1、变动成本的控制    9
    2、产品结构的改善和促销的调整    10
    3、订单量的稳定    11
    4、仓库、物流体系的完善    12
    5、沉睡客户的激活    15
    6、外网客户的引入    16
    结  语    17
    参考文献    18
    致  谢    19 ,3762
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