    A Study on Work-family Conflicts and Their Influence Factors of Professional Women in Shanghai
    Abstract: In order to study the current situations and influence factors of Shanghai professional females’ work and family conflicts. This article uses the literature research and interview research methods, focuses discussing on current situations, reasons,  influences of Shanghai professional females’ work and family conflicts. Shanghai professional females’work and family conflicts is mainly manifested in the roles expectation and subject ability conflicts, subjects’ role expectation and the social’s role expectations conflicts, time conflicts, psychological conflicts, behavior and norms conflicts. Shanghai professional females’ work and family conflicts are because of  their own values, family values and support, family structure, job characteristics, organizational characteristics and policy, the female physiological characteristics and other factors. Shanghai professional females’ work and family conflicts has developed to a certain extent, it may affect their physical and mental health development, the harmony and happiness of family, and the development of organization and social Organization. So, the society should take effective measures to alleviate the Conflicts.
    Keywords: professional women; work-family conflict; influence factor
    目 录
    一、绪  论    1
    (一) 研究目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    (二) 国内外研究现状    2
     (四)  概念    4
    二、理论框架与研究方法    6
    (一) 理论框架    6
        1. 角色冲突    6
    2. 溢出理论    6
    (二) 研究方法    6
    三、上海职业女性工作与家庭冲突的现状    8
    (一) 角色与自身价值观期望及实现的冲突    8
    (二) 主体角色愿望与社会角色期待的冲突    8
    (三) 时间冲突    8
    (四) 心理冲突    9
    (五) 行为规范冲突    9
    四、上海职业女性工作与家庭冲突的影响因素分析    10
    (一) 上海职业女性自身价值观问题    10
    (二) 上海职业女性的家人观念及支持    10
    (三) 上海职业女性的家庭结构及分工    10
    (四) 工作特征    10
    (五) 组织负责人    11
    (751) 女性生理特征    11
    五、 上海职业女性工作与家庭冲突的影响…12
    (一) 对上海职业女性自身的影响    12
    (二) 对上海职业女性的家庭的影响    12
    (三) 对组织的影响    12
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