毕业论文关键词: 体验式营销;餐饮行业;体验经济
Experiential Marketing is the process of engaging customers with in-depth experiences of the product or a brand. It can also be termed as a live marketing engagement where there is a face to face interaction between the consumer and a product or a brand. Its purpose is to appeal to the emotional senses of the customers and to influence their choice decision. This paper aims at investigating consumer's response to retail experiential marketing. As a descriptive and explanatory study, it establishes a connection between consumer lifestyle and behavior in modern retailing and how it affects customer satisfaction. The paper suggests various characteristics and specifications that a retail outlet should have in order to appear most appealing to the consumer and create an experimental touch in the entire retailing process.
KeyWords:Shopping experience, customer, event marketing, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, emotional attachment.
目 录
一、体验式营销概述 2
(一) 理论研究 2
(二) 体验营销模式 3
1. 感官体验 3
2. 思文体验 3
3. 行为体验 3
4. 情感体验 3
5. 关联体验 3
(三) 体验营销实施策略 3
1. 产品 3
2. 价格 4
3. 促销方式 4
4. 渠道营造 4
5. 广告传播 4
(四) 典型案例 4
二、体验式营销在餐饮行业中的实施 5
(一) 体验式营销在餐饮行业的具体实施步骤 6
1. 分析顾客需求层次 6
2. 确定体验主题 6
3. 实施体验营销 6
三、体验式营销在我国餐饮行业中的发展现状 7
(一) 调查研究 8
1. 调查问卷设计 8
2. 调查问卷收集说明 8
3. 调查问卷样本分析 9
4. 调查问卷结果分析 13
四、体验式营销在餐饮行业中的问题及解决策略 15
(一) 体验式营销存在的问题、原因及影响 15
(二) 解决对策或方案 16
1. 主题设计 16
2. 产品体验设计 17
3. 服务体验设计 17
4. 氛围体验设计 17
5. 文化体验设计 17
6. 传播体验设计 17
五、结论 17
- 上一篇:独居老人生活现状调查分析
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