    The reseach of Tencent mobile games marketing strategies
    Abstract With the full arrival of the widespread use of smart phones and 3G era, mobile phones are becoming a necessity of life, but also is becoming people's "processing center of personal information." In this trend, mobile client game also won an unprecedented rapid development. Tencent In such an environment, has a big success.
    This article will Tencent as the main object of the domestic mobile phone game market analysis, Tencent enter the mobile gaming industry clients fine market environment analysis, PEST analysis through, SWOT analysis, five forces model theory, 4P theory methodology systematic research and analysis, marketing strategy for Tencent make evaluations and make practical recommendations. This paper aims to Tencent mobile game marketing strategy research, analysis concludes suitable for mobile game developers and operators of marketing methods, analyzes the development trend of China's mobile phone games, and marketing strategies.
    KeyWords:mobile clientestencent mobile games;mobile games marketing
    引言    1
    一、我国手机游戏的市场概况    2
    (一) 我国手机游戏的发展现状    2
    1.手机游戏的概念及分类    2
    2. 我国手机游戏的发展现状    2
    (二)我国手机游戏的营销策略分析    3
    1. 产品定位营销    3
    2. 广告营销    3
    3. 社交媒体营销    3
    4. 文化营销    3
    二、手机游戏市场分析    4
    (一)腾讯手机游戏的发展现状    4
    (二)腾讯宏观环境分析    4
    1. 政治法律环境    5
    2.经济环境    5
    3. 社会环境    5
    4.技术环境    5
    (三)市场环境分析    5
    1. 供应商的议价能力    6
    2. 购买者的议价能力    6
    3. 新进入者的威胁    6
    4. 替代品的威胁    6
    5. 现存竞争者之间的竞争    6
    (四)SWOT分析    7
    1. 优势    7
    2. 劣势    7
    3. 机遇    7
    4. 威胁    8
    三、腾讯手机游戏营销策略分析    8
    (一)腾讯的产品策略    8
    1. 产品定位    8
    2. 产品差异化策略    8
    3. 品牌策略    9
    4. 生命周期运用策略    9
    (二)腾讯的价格策略    9
    (三)腾讯的渠道策略    10
    1. 广告宣传平台    10
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