
    毕业论文关键词: 机械加工企业;事故隐患分析;机械伤害;安全生产现状评价
    Some mechanical processing enterprise safety production evaluation
    Design general description: mechanical processing enterprises in our country, the number of more and more, and there is an upward trend in accident, the accident impact has been attached great importance to and by the people more and more attention.Therefore, the present situation analysis and production safety accidents mechanical processing enterprises evaluation is necessary and application value.
    Safety evaluation depending on the implementation stage can be pided into: safety pre-evaluation, safety acceptance evaluation status, safety evaluation of these three categories.This design is mainly to present situation of production safety evaluation, the main evaluation content is according to their own collection of related data and field investigation, and then to identify and analysis the mechanical processing enterprises potential danger and harmful factors in the production process, determine the enterprise meet safety laws and regulations, administrative rules, national standards, industry standards, to predict the likelihood of accident size and risk rating, and conform to the enterprise production status is presented based on the analysis of scientific and reasonable safety countermeasures suggested, thus the process of the whole security situation evaluation conclusion.
    This design in mechanical processing enterprises as the research object, through understanding the production situation of the enterprise and the comprehensive evaluation of the information needed to information collection, the beforehand risk analysis and risk analysis of two kinds of operation condition analysis method for mechanical processing enterprise accident hidden danger of accident hidden danger existing in the analysis, the accident hidden danger level is obtained and the corresponding control and prevention measures.Find out the main accident hidden danger existing in the chemical industry, machinery processing enterprises in the object of mechanical damage, fire, explosion and cracking is the main accident hidden danger, followed by asphyxiation and poisoning, electric shock, occupational accidents, etc.Through calculation and analysis is one of the highest degree of dangerous objects, mechanical damage, the second is the fire and explosion.So the mechanical processing enterprises exist first hit, mechanical injury accidents is object.This design using the professional safety evaluation method and the conclusion of the mechanical processing enterprises have certain reference significance.
    Safety evaluation before, for the safety assessment of accident cases at home and abroad some research and aims to show, its safety hazards of mechanical processing enterprises.Its harmfulness, see more at objects, mechanical damage, fire, explosion, poisoning, etc., to the state and people's life and property safety brought great harm.
        This design using the method of safety evaluation methods such as safety inspection table for the mechanical processing enterprises to carry out qualitative evaluation, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process the production process of the mechanical processing enterprises safety evaluation quantitatively. the purpose of this design for safety production evaluation: search, analysis and forecast the mechanical processing enterprises in the process of production and processing of the dangerous and harmful factors and can lead to dangerous and harmful consequences and severity, and then puts forward the scientific and reasonable security measures, to reduce the accident rate, reduce the losses of enterprises, improve enterprise's safety investment benefits.
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