
    The study found that in the following as evaluation objects in mechanical processing, does exist a larger safety concerns, some equipment of the factory, still need to be replaced.By a hazard analysis and safety evaluation method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation to the enterprise of mechanical damage, objects against fire and explosion danger level is higher.And according to the result puts forward the corresponding safety technical measures and management countermeasures.As the object hit the and mechanical injury accident probability, can set safety operation, to avoid collision with spikes, projections.Application of automatic control, once the equipment to detect the machine malfunction, immediately stop motion, or people into unsafe working area will be sounded the alarm, the machine to slow down or stop.And contains lots of toxic and harmful substances in the process of coating, and the low efficiency of manual spray paint, error, can use the robot finished painting process.On the error often occurred in the mechanical equipment with the corresponding safety sign, and set the alarm device.Workshop shall ensure that ventilation exhaust, set up the automatic fire alarm system.Enterprises shall comply with the mechanical processing enterprises of production safety rules and regulations and operation procedures, set up special safety management agencies, is responsible for each job employee safety education, to develop safety technology and management measures, as well as the security supervision.And ensure the security funds input, equipped with the relevant safety equipment and emergency rescue facilities.For safety production, dealing with the production process of the risk control and management, to prevent because people's unsafe behavior and unsafe state caused the accident, to equipment technology of test on the operating procedures, and increase the frequency.Based on the characteristics of the mechanical processing enterprises of production safety, establish and perfect the accident emergency rescue system of mechanical processing enterprises.To establish and perfect the system of safety evaluation, strengthen the prevention of safety management, thus realizing the essence safety as much as possible.
    In this design in the end, this paper made a comprehensive summary and this design was discussed.This design from the aspects of practicability and maneuverability.Machinery safety is always a nagging question of its security issues also emerge in endlessly, this requests us in the study on mechanical safety can be more and more, in the fields of mechanical processing enterprises construction technology is more and more mature, hope these can be implemented in the near future, for thousands of machinery from personnel of course of the guarantee of life.
    Keywords: mechanical processing enterprises; Analysis of accident hidden danger; Mechanical damage; Production safety status evaluation
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的    1
    1.2 课题的意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3.1 国外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3.2 国内研究现状与水平    3
    1.4 本文研究内容    5
    2 某机械企业概况    6
    2.1 企业特点    6
    2.2 企业生产工艺流程    6
    2.2.1 冲压工艺    6
    2.2.2 焊接工艺    8
    2.2.3 涂装工艺    9
    2.2.4 装配工艺    12
    3 某机械加工企业的事故隐患分析    14
    3.1 预先危险性分析法(PHA)    14
    3.1.1 冲压生产作业的危险有害因素分析    14
    3.1.2 焊接生产作业的危险有害因素分析    15
    3.1.3 涂装生产作业的危险有害因素分析    16
    3.1.4 装配生产作业的危险有害因素分析    17
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