    关键词  企业文化 企业绩效 实证研究
    Title    An Empirical Study on ethical culture and corporate performance                                              
    Since the corporation culture has came into the world, the researching of it keep constantly growth,  by the improvement of generation and development of society, an increasing number of competitors enter the market. All  entrepreneurs are hoping their enterprise can constantly creating value. And they want to maximize their irreplaceable. Enterprise culture is a sort of shadow strength which can easily distinguish the corporation images.  Therefore the research is no longer stay in the distinguishing, measure and theory analysis, more experts starting study on the relationships between business culture and business performance combine with the actual cases and customers demand. Firstly, this article reviewed and organized the relevant documents, settled the basic theory for the essay, then from the point of stakeholders, analysis how a corporation culture impact the the business performance through the suppliers, employers and customers. Finally create a questionnaire survey within 23 public company which focus on the manufacturing and use their corporation culture and business performance as the basic model to assess the case study. Theoretically Support the point of corporation culture has a positive impact on the enterprise performance from the data result. Thus lead the management level of enterprise to enhance their consciousness to reconstruct the corporations culture.
    Keywords  Corporate culture     Enterprise performance  
     Empirical research
    目 录
    目 录    5
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 研究的背景和意义    6
    1.2 研究的主要内容及方法    7
    2 文献综述    8
    2.1 相关理论研究    8
    2.2 相关实证研究    8
    3 企业文化作用于企业绩效的原理    10
    3.1 企业文化基于供应商对企业绩效的作用原理    10
    3.2 企业文化基于顾客对企业绩效的作用机理    11
    3.3 企业文化基于员工对企业绩效的作用机理    12
    3.4 研究假设    14
    4 实证研究    15
    4.1 实证研究设计    15
    4.2 描述性统计分析    16
    4.3 相关分析    17
    4.4 回归分析    18
    结 论    20
    致 谢    21
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