     关键词  90后  职业价值观  择业  影响因素
    •Title   The Analysis of Factors Affecting post-90s College students ' Job -choices                                                  
    In recent years, the ongoing reform of higher education in China from the "elite" education to the "popular" education and the pace of change have accelerated and rapid increase in the number of college students, University students employment difficulty was encountered in the process of cultivating talents a serious problem. In the current knowledge economy background that post-90s college students should promote economic restructuring as the newly emerging  forces, and analysis of the factors influencing the choice of its work is not only beneficial to college students ' employment and conducive to national development.
    This article mainly by way of questionnaires and interviews explores generation factors affecting College students ' choices, and return it to the community, unit and its three aspects, post-questionnaire data have been processed using SPSS software, combined with data results and reasonable analysis of the factors influencing the generation of college students ' choice.
    Keywords  Post 90s,Professional values, Job-choosing, influencing factors
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究的缘起、目的和意义    1
    1.2  研究的现状与评价    2
    1.3   研究的内容和方法    2
    文献综述    4
    2.1  知识经济    4
    2.2  “90后”    4
    2.3  职业价值观    5
    3  90后大学生工作抉择的影响因素调查的问卷编制    7
    3.1  问卷项目生成    7
    3.2  调查结果的统计和分析    9
    4  影响因素分析    12
    4.1  社会因素    12
    4.2企业单位的因素    12
    4.3自身因素    13
    结  论    15
    致   谢    16
    参 考 文 献    17
    附录A  90后大学生工作抉择的影响因素调查    18
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究的缘起、目的和意义
    1.1.1  研究的缘起
    经济全球化趋势愈演愈烈,知识经济时代早已经到来,我们的思想、文化、价值观等方面都出现了多元化发展,中国大学生的选择看似越来越多。但近几年来,中国大学生的就业形势却日趋严峻,特别是上个世纪90年代以来,我国高等教育的发展速度加快,高校毕业生的就业制度也做出了巨大的调整。由原来 “统招统分”的就业制度逐步过渡到了“双向选择,自主就业”,加之节节攀升的大学生数量,使得大学生就业难问题一直困扰社会相关部门。尤其是近两年,90后大学生开始进入职场,一方面是单位无奈招工难,另一方面是学生抱怨就业难,虽然各自都采取了措施,但似乎成效并不明显。要想改善这一问题,就一定要了解影响90后大学生择业的各项因素。基于上述,我选择将90后大学生工作抉择的影响因素作为研究对象。
  1. 上一篇:企业伦理文化与企业绩效关系的实证研究
  2. 下一篇:大学生创业人力资源选拔管理+文献综述
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