    The analysis of Apple Corp marketing strategy
    Consumer electronics industry is developing rapidly, along with the rapid development of Internet marketing and new marketing strategy and fit the new age of electronic products continue to emerge, in such a young man love era of new marketing mode, with innovative cultural added value and social responsibility of marketing strategy effect tend to let the enterprise obtain benefits in technology, products and management system innovation better than. Apple's core competitiveness lies in the launch of new products at the same time structure and products complement each other new marketing strategy, promote the whole industry pattern of changes in the market pioneer and leading position. The successful case of Apple Corp is worth all the study of Chinese enterprise.
    This paper takes two product cases of Apple Corp: iPod and iPhone marketing strategy as the research object.. On marketing strategy theory as basis, of Apple's marketing environment analysis, and analyzes the overall in the industrial chain of the supplier value chain, customer value chain, enterprise value chain, channel value chain, in order to find out the market demand, marketing strategy innovation is the key to the success of the apple. And in order to explore the direction of the development of new marketing strategy and the fundamental purpose of marketing strategy innovation is: to realize the core competitiveness of enterprises and create value for customers.
    Key word:New marketing strategy, Apple Corp, innovation
    1.1研究背景    4
    1.2研究方法    4
    2. 1营销理论概述    5
    2. 1. 1  4P理论    5
    2. 1. 2  4C理论    6
    2. 1. 3  4R理论    6
    2. 1. 4现代企业对于营销理论的运用    6
    2. 2营销导向    7
    2. 2. 1关系导向    7
    2. 2. 2消费者导向    7
    2. 2. 3竞争导向    7
    2. 2. 4多种导向的运用    8
    3.1消费电子产业的发展概况和趋势    8
    3. 1. 1消费电子产业的发展概况    8
    3. 1. 2消费电子产品的发展趋势    8
    3.2苹果的营销环境分析    9
    3. 2. 1手机营销环境分析    9
    3. 2. 2苹果手机营销环境分析    9
    4.1苹果iPhone的市场营销策略分析    10
    4. 1. 1苹果公司SWOT分析    11
    4. 1. 2品牌营销策略    12
    4. 1. 3产品创新策略    13
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